Oops, that's a little error on my part after reading the paragraph. I meant for him to say Britian.
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Book&Literature · TJJordan94
I'm curious, why does the word "London" confuse you?
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Book&Literature · TJJordan94
"I'm sorry, Snape, but I don't believe YOU. I know about what you did for Alice and Rachel, but how do I know if all of this is just to make yourself feel better and to trick me into being your friend again? Maybe some part of you does want to change, but I believe that you truly don't want to. How do l know you won't immediately go straight back to hurting me again." She took a step back. "I've made my decision and I'm standing by it." She looked away from him, ignoring the hurt expression on his face. "Don't ever try to talk to me again. If you do, I'll won't respond. Goodbye, Snape. I hope you enjoy your time with those monsters."
Book&Literature · TJJordan94
I’m open to criticism. Give me your honest opinion on the story. What about it didn’t work and what did. All I ask is that it’s constructive.
Redemption - The Prince Rising
Book&Literature · TJJordan94