The arbiter had a change of mask. The paper mask that covered his entire face had been replaced with a bandaid-like paper that only covered his eyes. The master retracted his hands from the man's arms and reached for Hatsuki.
Fantasy · Moonflower414
🤍 thankyou Soo much sunny san
~(つˆДˆ)つ。☆ awe li hua although there are things you cannot say but only feel please trust your inner feelings. Take your time la.
"Yes. Thank you, Little Firefly," Li Hua whispered, drawing comfort from his constant presence.
Fantasy · Vangyy
Li Hua's eyes gleamed with cruel satisfaction as she watched their composure splinter. "Oh, Captain Fu," she purred, each word precisely aimed to draw blood, "you were always such a disappointment. That's why you remained in my defense unit—where your cowardice wouldn't get anyone important killed." Her lips twisted into a contemptuous smile as she fixed her gaze on Li Min. "Though I shouldn't be surprised to find you standing behind him, dear sister. You've always been desperate to prove your worth by gathering up my discarded failures—as if commanding my leftovers could somehow make you my equal."
Fantasy · Vangyy
Wasn't expecting 'that' from a veteran. Crappy captain
"Hand over the command token, Li Hua, and I'll make your death quick." Captain Fu's voice dripped with cruel satisfaction, savoring this moment of perceived triumph over his former Master. "Though I must admit, watching you crawl on your knees and beg might be worth dragging this out. After all these years of you looking down on me, it's time you learned your place—on the ground, at my feet, right before I put a bullet through that arrogant head of yours."
Fantasy · Vangyy
Now that was cute la
"Li Hua. Sister." A beautiful voice rang out, each syllable dripping with honeyed venom. A smile tugged at Li Hua's lips, but she kept her eyes fixed on the ring of soldiers before her. Her sister always did have a flair for dramatic entrances, especially when blood had already been spilled.
Fantasy · Vangyy
Thankyou Soo much Hans San
As always it's just a reference picture 💟
Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
Fantasy · Moonflower414
Thank you very much zhenzhense 💟
(≧▽≦) Hailey you're commentary is just... aiyoo so hilarious
Hailey shook her head, her smile widening. "Not like this one. This is different. It's not just a little gathering behind their gilded doors. This is going to be at the manor—the one outside Sexton. A formal event, Ruelle, with music, dancing, and wine so old it probably tastes like the history books."
Claimed by the Prince of Darkness
Fantasy · ash_knight17