
female LV 1

¡Hola, Webnovels! Soy Daniela Di Loreto Estoy emocionada de compartir mis historias con todos ustedes. ¡Espero que disfruten de mis obras tanto como yo disfruto escribirlas!

2023-10-20 Bergabung Argentina
Karya Asli
Lencana 1

  • El Enigma del Espacio original

    El Enigma del Espacio


    En los confines insondables del universo, emergieron dos líderes cuyas antipatías destilaban un odio tan ardiente como las estrellas que los rodeaban: Evadne Thorne y el príncipe alienígena Draktharos de Zyphronia. Como chispas de desesperación en la vasta oscuridad del espacio, estos líderes personificaban dos extremos de un abismo cósmico. Evadne, implacable comandante de una flota afilada como navajas, era conocida por su destreza táctica, tan veloz como un rayo. Su reputación se alzaba antes que su sombra: una estratega inquebrantable, una visionaria en el inabarcable cosmos. En el otro rincón, el príncipe alienígena Draktharos de Zyphronia llevaba el peso del legado de su pueblo, una raza intrincadamente entrelazada con la tecnología y la biología. Bajo su mando, su flota exploraba los confines del cosmos en busca de alianzas que pudieran llevar prosperidad a su gente, explorando las sinergias entre la tecnología y la esencia misma de la vida. Pero el universo tenía sus propios planes. Una amenaza cósmica, tan antigua como el propio tiempo, se cernía sobre la galaxia, devorando mundos enteros. Ante tal adversidad, Evadne y Draktharos, a pesar de su mutuo desprecio, se vieron compelidos a unir sus fuerzas. El encuentro, que en un pasado no tan lejano habría parecido imposible, se materializó en medio del torbellino de estrellas. La colaboración, un concepto ajeno a ambos en sus respectivos mundos, se convirtió en su única esperanza. Los diálogos entre estos dos líderes, al principio saturados de escepticismo y desconfianza, evolucionaron a medida que se adentraban en las profundidades del desafío cósmico que tenían ante sí.

    6 Chs 3 Koleksi

  • The Enigma of Space original

    The Enigma of Space


    In the unfathomable reaches of the universe, two leaders emerged whose antipathies exuded a hatred as fiery as the stars around them: Evadne Thorne and the alien prince Draktharos of Zyphronia. Like sparks of despair in the vast darkness of space, these leaders embodied two ends of a cosmic chasm. Evadne, relentless commander of a razor-sharp fleet, was known for her lightning-fast tactical prowess. Her reputation loomed larger than her shadow: an unwavering strategist, a visionary in the boundless cosmos. In the other corner, the alien prince Draktharos of Zyphronia carried the weight of his people's legacy, a race intricately intertwined with technology and biology. Under his command, his fleet explored the far reaches of the cosmos in search of alliances that could bring prosperity to his people, exploring the synergies between technology and the very essence of life itself. But the universe had plans of its own. A cosmic threat, as old as time itself, loomed over the galaxy, devouring entire worlds. Faced with such adversity, Evadne and Draktharos, despite their mutual contempt, were compelled to join forces. The meeting, which in the not so distant past would have seemed impossible, materialized amidst the whirlwind of stars. Collaboration, a concept alien to both of them in their respective worlds, became their only hope. The dialogues between these two leaders, at first saturated with skepticism and distrust, evolved as they delved into the depths of the cosmic challenge before them. Their words, once sharp as swords, became warmer and laden with meaning. Evadne found Draktharos a valuable perspective, while he learned to value Evadne's precision and determination. Their cooperation became a cosmic dance of strategy and cunning, as they fought to prevent this destructive creature from laying waste to the entire galaxy. Amidst the tension and uncertainty, an unexpected love story was woven between them. The mutual hatred and antipathy they had originally shared gave way to a deep connection that transcended the barriers of their worlds and races. In their joint struggle for the survival of the galaxy, they discovered that, for all their differences, they were destined to meet on the vast canvas of the universe.

    4 Chs 1 Koleksi