Webnovel Author: RikuKage - Fanfic Collection



male LV 4

Avid reader of stories. Especially good novels and fanfic. I also like anime & manga. I'm new to the writing game, and I'm trying my best. Hope you give my story a chance.

2023-10-18 Bergabung Global

Lencana 6

Moments 8143



Just as Bell finished up packing, Ryo disappeared behind the tree line and the young boy got to his feet and quickly rushed after him. He still had so many questions that he needed to ask! 

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Anime & Comics · Vulkizaro_Zoromi

Replied to Vulkizaro_Zoromi

Makora is it better preferred name yes. shorter and simpler.

"Makora's wheel adapts to all phenomena." Ryo murmured as he tighten his vambraces a little. "Not just Cursed Techniques but against other factors as well. If it just so happens I clash with a god during my time here, it would be useful to have such an accessory on my side."

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Anime & Comics · Vulkizaro_Zoromi


ah yes, the last one and the most important one, Makora/ Mahoraga, depending on which translation you're using. Like I said before the minute he gets that he can acquire that sweet ability of his.

There was an end goal to it all. Not only did practicing how to hijack his shikigami powers improve and add to his own arsenal of abilities, but it familiarised him with how to do it further. After all, none of his shikigami had a power as great and precious as that of the last one, the one he was yet to subdue...

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Anime & Comics · Vulkizaro_Zoromi



He dismissed the Technique entirely as the shadows collapsed into the ground and receded into his own, while the lightning died out. A small gust of wind blew over the area before everything stilled again. Ryo shrugged before sucking out a piece of food from between his teeth and spitting it out. He'd helped himself to a little breakfast before trying this out. Nobody improved their powers and climbed higher up the power ladder on an empty stomach after all.

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Anime & Comics · Vulkizaro_Zoromi


Super evolution adaptation here we go.

"How much of a shame is it that little Megumi did not have what he needed to make this work." Ryo said to himself. "He had no idea how overpowered his technique was, how versatile his power set could be. All those precious abilities that his familiars had, and he could have taken them for his own."

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Anime & Comics · Vulkizaro_Zoromi



Ryo brought his hands and crossed them together, holding the fingers out while locking the thumbs together to form the symbol of the bird, or more specifically, his owl Shikigami. The shadows rippled a little more as it prepared to release the spirit familiar but at the critical moment, Ryo clamped down on the Technique and stopped the shikigami from coming through. He breathed again before bringing in a large portion of his overall cursed energy reserves to perform the next action he was about to undertake.

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Anime & Comics · Vulkizaro_Zoromi


well, at least he can't say it was a dream seeing his missing sleeve. Let's see his reaction. I bet you after getting over the whole losing his arm and learning that Ryo restore missing limbs he's just going to go back to fanboying

Not too far away from him beside the now dead campfire lay Bell, completely out of it under his blanket with his fresh new arm laid on a towel. Ryo could obviously do nothing about the missing sleeve but Bell would never be able to tell the difference between the old one and the new one. Why would he anyway? Ryo had simply just regenerated the arm to its previous state and as of now, the younger albino lay on his back with his mouth open, still seeming to invite the flies as soft snores emerged from his throat.

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Anime & Comics · Vulkizaro_Zoromi


once again it was an obvious outcome. The reverse Curse technique and I found a good gif


He snapped out of his thoughts as the sound splattering blood hitting the ground caught his attention and noticed that the stump on Bell was now beginning to leak onto the floor. He rolled his eyes and gripped the stump before concentrating. His hand glowed a wispy white aura around it before the stump began to bubble and then regenerate. First grew the bone, then the tendons, and then flesh before a final layer of skin grew out of the stump as the new structure ended in a ball out of which four fingers and a thumb sprouted.

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Anime & Comics · Vulkizaro_Zoromi


....... I can already see where this is going. there's no stopping it now, so


"I guess I'll have to see to that then. But first..." The older albino said before he looked down at the ground where the severed burnt arm lay. "...waste not, want not."

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Anime & Comics · Vulkizaro_Zoromi


Ok, is either going to experiment on him or he just knocked him out so he wouldn't start panicking and screaming. Money is on Ryo using the reverse curse technique to heal Bell's arm good as new. and just for funsies, tell him it was all a dream he lost his arm.

All the burnt part of his arm which included his hand and the lower half of his forearm was cut cleanly off so quickly that Bell didn't even feel pain. Bell immediately looked to where Ryo was sitting only to find the seat empty. Then he felt a sharp connection with the back of his neck before everything went dark, and his body collapsed into Ryo's hold.

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Anime & Comics · Vulkizaro_Zoromi


Ryo the Sadist


When that didn't work, the boy seemed to act on impulse and just dunked his flaming arm into the pot of tea, which although put out the flame, burned his arm in a completely different way. The boy quickly pulled back his arm screaming in pain while Ryo just watched the whole thing go down, amused at the show.

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Anime & Comics · Vulkizaro_Zoromi


Huh, this is interesting. I'm also surprised you didn't say tofu, like in your last story, the Minecraft are one. his response to seeing a that zucchini was destroying it.


"You bring that abominable thing in my presence again, it'll be your hand next time." Ryo said before the older boy surprising shivered and grimaced. "It's one of the few things I can't stand eating. That and boiled okra." Ryo then looked at Bell's flabbergasted face, his jaw hung wide open in surprise. "What? What the matter with you? You giving the mosquitoes an invitation or something?"

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Anime & Comics · Vulkizaro_Zoromi


......ummm Bell Murphy would like to have a talk with you and also teach you the word irony.


"It would have been quite a while ago." Bell said. "I'm sure the chances of that happening would have been next to none."

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Anime & Comics · Vulkizaro_Zoromi


......OK it was Ryo...... but bro, he should get a clue right now. The way the village acted around him, meaning the culprit, was someone with similar features.


"Well apparently the last visitor they had walked into a bar and was the only one that walked out." Bell said as he looked back at Ryo puzzled. "When they investigated, they'd found everybody inside brutally murdered and beheaded, with their bodies chopped up and their blood and remains painting the walls. It happened without a noise apparently." Bell paused as he wondered to himself. "Maybe it was the same one that killed that merchant family. Who knows?"

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Anime & Comics · Vulkizaro_Zoromi


...... for some reason it's either Ryo was there or they didn't like country bumpkins.

"Oh, I got these from the last village I resupplied in." Bell said. "They were a bit weird...like they wanted me gone as quick as possible."

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Anime & Comics · Vulkizaro_Zoromi



"...No. He kicked it three years ago." Ryo said. "It's better this way I guess."

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Is It Wrong to Cook in a Dungeon?

Anime & Comics · Vulkizaro_Zoromi

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