Why has he not come out to help out, or have you forgotten about his on your story
please, where has Draxell gone to? The man Ethan Smith gives the Holy Body. You have not mentioned him at all. Why?
Dwayne and Etanal not Ethan
In this scene, it was the conversation between Dwayne Greene and Ethan Smith.
Urban · Taibai And A Qin
Etanal not Dudley
Dudley Lynch tried to get up, but found that he had no strength in his entire body.
Urban · Taibai And A Qin
wonderful experience
what a sad story about a family that hate but not love and only go for gain
I just imagined the confusion and fear in the face Master Lin opponent face[img=disgusted][img=proud][img=nervous]
Good courage and boldness is a venture
to me, the story lines of this novel are wonderful
Ethan Smith has a soul bell in his magic artifict that He collects from Star at the capital city on earth. It can help as holy weapon, the tenny family
Mrs. and Mr. Smith
Urban · Taibai And A Qin