Webnovel Author: InAnotherWorld - Fanfic Collection



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I like to write and make music! My soundcloud: https://on.soundcloud.com/9i7Ns1wKwmV7crnf6

2023-08-31 Bergabung United States

Lencana 1

Moments 63

Replied to Honoured_Writer


Replied to The_Abstract

I will don't worry mate. I'll let ppl know in new chapters if there is going to be anymore delays or anything

{Authors Note: We're back guys! It's been a while! 20 something days in fact! While I do feel comfortable sharing a bit, I've been homeless and am now staying at a shelter till I end up going to trade school to get my stuff together, but I haven't forgotten about my passion for this book so we'll be A-Ok! Once again, I'm sorry for the really bad delay but expect two chapters today as I hope for forgiveness! I've been reading the comments and I really thank all of you for tuning in to read what I have to write. Once again, Thank you for reading. I won't do ya'll like that! We still got a story to write!}

Reincarnated with JJK Powerset in Harry Potter!

Reincarnated with JJK Powerset in Harry Potter!

Anime & Comics · InAnotherWorld

Replied to Transhumanist

Nah, but I should address it. But wouldn't an ability as rare and obscure have MORE people trying to master it in exchange. Like imagine having a weapon in a game that's hard to master. Wouldn't MORE people flock towards it to gain prestige or skill in the game? Same logic mate. I imagine witches or wizards in this world trying to gain the upper hand in anything they can, especially when magic is involved

I smirked inwardly as if anyone had to tell me that. I always found it illogical to rely on a stick for magical efforts, especially when wandless magic was so rare and obscure. Although the most powerful spells allowing you to separate the soul from your target are hard to imagine casting wandless, Even more so when it applies to me...

Reincarnated with JJK Powerset in Harry Potter!

Reincarnated with JJK Powerset in Harry Potter!

Anime & Comics · InAnotherWorld

Replied to Simple_Russian_Boi

Thank for that! I can correct it

As students streamed out of the Great Hall, Harry and the trio accompanied me, and it seemed like a never-ending barrage of questions from the houses, mostly Gryffindor. They asked about my parentage, specifically if I was truly the son of Aesira. I tried my best to answer each query, though it was clear that Ron was growing increasingly irritated by the incessant questioning. Even Harry, usually composed, was getting surprisingly annoyed. Hermione was exhausted, the dementor attack from earlier dampening her senses.

Reincarnated with JJK Powerset in Harry Potter!

Reincarnated with JJK Powerset in Harry Potter!

Anime & Comics · InAnotherWorld

Replied to Transhumanist

Wild statement

Going into the forest of autumn leaves was admittedly calm. I underestimated the beauty and energy a magical world could provide. It felt like the forest was breathing like I was in a place brimming with a large concentration of spiritual significance.

Reincarnated with JJK Powerset in Harry Potter!

Reincarnated with JJK Powerset in Harry Potter!

Anime & Comics · InAnotherWorld

Replied to Magus_Of_Flower

It's kinda the way he died is what's so bad. I wouldn't say his ability to comphrehend Azathoth is "Strong". More like a phenomenon in of itself. You have to remember that he's still human, emotions for us are the difference between life and death sometimes.

I admired the power of the works of fictional characters and their endeavors, often fantasizing about the courses of action I would take in their place. It all just seems too good to be true. Azathoth told me that sealing my memories was a failsafe in case I go mad from my mental turmoil of the world I was expunged from, though promised their return when I reach a certain point in power.

Reincarnated with JJK Powerset in Harry Potter!

Reincarnated with JJK Powerset in Harry Potter!

Anime & Comics · InAnotherWorld

Replied to Gh0st00

I wanted Gryffindor to have emotion type riddles, Slytherin having logical, Hufflepuff having a small puzzle to solve, and Ravenclaw having magic trivia. It's kind of AU

"I can start a war or end one, I can give you the strength of heroes or leave you powerless, I might be snared with a glance, but no force can compel me to stay; What am I?"

Reincarnated with JJK Powerset in Harry Potter!

Reincarnated with JJK Powerset in Harry Potter!

Anime & Comics · InAnotherWorld

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