Great work on the chapter! Had me laughing my ass off on how Mc acted with miss cop.
"Well then...let's get started!"
Movies · ArtoriaPendragon_
Okay so I haven’t read this story in a while so I might’ve forgot but did the author right when the mc got his sis back? If so can you tell me so I can go back and reread it?
"Of course, but that's not something you can explore. As for the little sister, I've already controlled the deterioration of her body, and your plan to slowly strip away her Vector Manipulation Quirk has also failed. Next, it's your time to meet your end," Evolto said, rotating the Driver's control lever and instantly appearing behind All For One, placing his left hand on his back.
Anime & Comics · VALRRR
"Young Midoriya. Don't give up just yet. You can become just as strong as young Coby." All Might muttered, but it did not manage to reach Midoriya from all the way here.
Anime & Comics · Frosty_heavens1
Toga! We don’t have nearly enough of toga being a good girl!
Ty Lee! When I first saw avatar I would say Azula but after her melt down nah! I love crazy but not pull her own hair out crazy.
Guys, I have a question. Who do you think is the hottest female? Be honest with me now!
Anime & Comics · Frosty_heavens1
Author I have a request… can you do a story like this but in bleach?
The First Great Crusade was on the horizon.
Movies · Phantom17
Wait wait wait! Planet? So does that mean future space travel?
It wasn't just that. It seemed that Yukihime had taken him ten years ago and fled to this distant planet, away from those who desired the power he held.
Anime & Comics · Akasaki_Ryujin
She cupped his cheek fondly, "Good boy~"
Anime & Comics · Daddy
A very enthusiastic walk on a beautiful moonlit night
I'd been anticipating that I would hear back from Constantine and Canary any night now. For some reason, I got the feeling that no one in the Justice League wanted to keep me and the Dead End waiting these days. Strange. I wonder why ever that could be…?
Anime & Comics · Daddy
A great start! Please keep updating this story. There aren’t may stories with Mc having anodite powers. And I like ehis one so far.
It wasn't hero work—not yet—but it was the first step.
Of Aliens, Magic, and Superheroes
Movies · St_Scarface