TLN: Puppies are raised to be dogs. It's best to get rid of them before they can cause us any problems.
"Căței cresc pentru a fi câini. Cel mai bine să scapi de ei înainte să ne poată crea probleme."
Book&Literature · Bagoury
TLN: it pushes them along with others.
The dreamer replied, "Îi impulsionează cu ceilalți."
Book&Literature · Bagoury
TLN: What are you going to do with them, sir?
"Ce vei face cu ei, domnule?"
Book&Literature · Bagoury
I love warhammer and giant monsters and this story has both 10-10 will recommend it to anyone who loves both.
I feel that William Stryker would use these reasons to attack the mutants because they joined up with Alex when we get to that part.
Make it work.
I love this chapter would like to see more like it.
Loving this story would recommend it to any Ben 10 self insert fans.
Can you please name one of the capybara coconut here some power stones to convince you.
Buku ini telah dihapus.
TLN: As you wish, Mr. Drakul.
"După cum doriți, domnul Drakul."
Signs of Destiny (Witcher)
Book&Literature · Bagoury