In a mystical realm teeming with legends of deities, a tale unfolds of a zombie-infested apocalypse. As humanity struggles to survive, Adam becomes a beacon of hope. However, he grapples with his own internal conflicts, battling demons within. With unwavering support from loyal companions, they embark on a perilous quest to rescue their world from impending doom.
This is a fan-made sequel to the original Radiata Stories video game. In this tale, there are two timelines that are on the brink of extinction, barely holding on. The angels, tasked with maintaining order, have grown weary and fallen into a deep slumber. Yet, even in the darkest moments, a glimmer of light remains. Occasionally, a few stars revisit these timelines, drawn by nostalgia. During one such visit, an angel stirs from its sleep, becoming aware of itself as it guides the star through the timeline. But eventually the star returns to the starry heavens, leaving behind the awakened angel, who desperately tries to revive the worlds of Radiata Stories.
Following the tragic demise of Jayden's family at the hands of a supernatural murderer, he embarks on a journey of revelation, unraveling the secrets of the afterlife. With the support of his trusted companions, Jayden endeavors to uncover the enigmatic killer who connects their intertwined tales, seeking answers along the way.