I like this story very much, although with the current pace and the speed of development of mc op ability and pokemon, I don't see how the story can continue above 100 chapters without getting dull, his team grows to fast is my point. Maybe he will pull a xianxia trick and travel to an alternative dimension with average stronger pokemon to fight, but at that point, it will be harder to keep the story interesting, in my opinion.
You are confusing Asuma with Shisui, Shisui is 5 and asuma should be 9-10
"Amazing, my teacher is only seven years older than me, and he's already commanding the eastern front," Asuma said, his voice filled with genuine admiration and respect.
Anime & Comics · Rookni
exposed eyes.
His exposed eyes stared fixedly at Kyōichi, waiting for the rest of the answer.
Anime & Comics · Rookni
Opportunity cannot be sought, only encountered, and fortune favored Will.
Anime & Comics · Rookni
Two different authors and different plots, but similar sounding names. After checking it actually seems that the translator of Chronicles of Darkness changed the name of that protagonist from Aoki to Cain. Also, the first chapter of this book was posted on 2018 while the other book was started at 2019, I'm only mentioning this because the initial story does seem a bit alike. but only the beginning of a protagonist who was isakaied and then reincarnated again. The coincidence of the main name similarity seems the decision of the translator.
My plan is to release the initial 50 chapters as soon as I can, but beyond that, I haven't finalized the release schedule yet.
Stay tuned I'll probably post another 5 chapters in a few hours.
I was about to upload this 3 months ago but before pushing publish, I saw a black cat at my balcony, I went to investigate, and the next thing I remember is falling. After 3 months of coma I suddenly woke up yesterday.
Konoha's Life Mentor, Kyoichi
Anime & Comics · Rookni