

female LV 3

I draw I read I imagine I live for the repeating lifestyle It gives me serotonin

2023-02-23 Bergabung Global
Lencana 6

Moments 22
2 months ago

your downfall was self-made. not to mention, didn't you say that your first novel was a success ? if your book was really that good and people were ACTUALLY reading it then there should've been no reason for you to touch another pen in your life. you should've been set for life. what ? did you gamble your fortune away ? you struck gold and ruined yourself through imbecile decisions ? the more you say the more you contradict yourself.

And though I did exactly as my readers asked, apart from the first novel, I never found my books making it in the rankings.

The Author's POV

The Author's POV

Fantasy · Entrail_JI

2 months ago

ain't to way your novel has 5.5M views but only 500 reviews. where was it even published ? if the novel was read by over 5M people it should've been a cultural fenomenon. a Fandom should've happened and it would've created movement into the creative space. people would be sharing it amongst themselves. unless those 5M are an addition of overall views on all your chapters it would make no sense it 5M people actually read your story for it to only have made such little impact.

Rating : 4.7 (513 reviews)

The Author's POV

The Author's POV

Fantasy · Entrail_JI

2 months ago

congratulations, you wrote a novel longer than the Bible

2 months ago

if barely have enough money to get by, how is it that you're "gaining pounds"? if you have enough money to stuff your mouth the least you could've done was save it up or put it to better use.

As I gained weight and found myself putting on more pounds with each passing day, it became increasingly harder for me to continue going to part-time jobs as I would always run out of breath after standing for over 10 minutes.

The Author's POV

The Author's POV

Fantasy · Entrail_JI

2 months ago

didn't you say that the money your parents left you was enough to survive ? if you're trying to make us pity you at least keep your sob story consistent !

I could barely feed myself through part-time jobs. How could I possibly study in another city where the rent was levels beyond my contemptibly small budget?

The Author's POV

The Author's POV

Fantasy · Entrail_JI

2 months ago

this doesn't make any sense. if you become an orphan and have no family to take care for you, no aunts or anything, then you should've been under the government's care. you should've gone to an orphanage and the money you inherited from your family would've been frozen in a bank account until you were of age to use it. taking into account the fact that you said you lived the remaining 4 years of school by yourself you should've had enough to live through your Bachelor and a gap year or the first year of your master's (taking into account you pass every year on the first try which is believable as you said that when you studied you were valedictorian). if you found a job and worked while you studied during those 4 years you'd have enough to finish the second year of your master's, aka finish university. you'd be on the work market with 6 years of experience (albeit probably in a convenience store job) and you'd have on your resumé the fact that you were in the top 1%. as long as you don't make a dumb choice for major and master's, employers would probably be contacting you during your last year of master's. what you're saying is utterly senseless. if not social security should've still given you a financial aid during those trying years.

At that point, having exhausted all my family's savings, I was dirt poor.

The Author's POV

The Author's POV

Fantasy · Entrail_JI

2 months ago

you must be idiotic to believe that those two don't actually put in effort to be the best of the best. if Ronaldo or Messi don't train, they will inevitably worsen their football. they have talent yes, but they still work hard to be able to maintain their positions. did you really believe that genetics is all there is ? someone said "oh he's got good legs let's put him on the team even though he has never run in his life" ? no !! they had to work hard to have those qualities shine. if not they rot and serve no purpose. a child isn't born knowing how to breathe and walk, just because you're more talented doesn't mean you don't have to learn and practice till perfection.

Look at football, for example. Many people train just as hard as Messi or Ronaldo, but in the end, they don't even come close to their level.

The Author's POV

The Author's POV

Fantasy · Entrail_JI

2 months ago

Happiness is spelled with an i...

the 'Pursuit of Happyness'.

The Author's POV

The Author's POV

Fantasy · Entrail_JI

2 months ago

talent without work is useless. if you're smarter than others but don't study you won't remember anything. you're smarter so it takes you less effort to memorize than dumber people, however you still need to put in effort, whether big or small.

The key ingredient to success is 'talent'.

The Author's POV

The Author's POV

Fantasy · Entrail_JI

2 months ago

that quote is only ever applicable if it regards something that is in your control, something that can be improved or not, something in which your input changes the state of that thing. this would be most commonly used and proven true by skills

How does 'efforts never betray you' apply here?

The Author's POV

The Author's POV

Fantasy · Entrail_JI