The dumbass i am definitly didn’t read holy sarcasm…
First is to enhance my physical abilities and attacks, like what Vasco is doing but on a much lesser scale, while the other effect is being able to empower and imbue many of my abilities with holy properties, making my magic attacks has holy damage, powering holy sacraments and making them way stronger and quicker to use, etc. .
Anime & Comics · Neusto
Why did that sound like a funeral toast?
Video Games · michaeI
Moody - Grumpy bastard. Next.
Book&Literature · Daddy
I tried my best to push that thought along with the System notifications out of my mind as I made my way back to my quarters and collapsed into my bed. Dinner could wait. A long nap sounded like exactly what I needed right now. I dreamed of blonde, wispy-haired fairies who saw more than they should and school girls in short skirts trying to earn an easy 'O'.
Book&Literature · Daddy
So are we gonna get a Tsubaki POV? Just that tiny tiny dragon saying Kii incredibly loud while seeing tiamat shrink and hearing the reactions? xd
I frowned at the aggressiveness from Kimiko, slowly coming to realize that the reason driving the little Familiar to react this fiercely was the fact that she perceived Tiamat as a threat… to her bond with me.
Anime & Comics · Sirvero
You set up this fanfiction as english, but it isn’t. Love the idea of it but can’t even let the app translate it, which means I dont understand a single thing outside of all the story settings after which i was really looking forward to the fanfic :(
(AN* Please don't pet wild wolves, no matter how friendly shaped they are)
Anime & Comics · LuxVonDeux
He is the lady in the lake. Just relaxing in female form and boom there they are talking about some prophesy and asking for a sword
I have a question—sort of like a poll—I'm a few chapters in and the Metals Age is about to arrive in the rest of the planet, I was wondering, what historical happenings would you like to see Aragorn in? Is there any historical figure you would like to see him interact with? Any myth you would like him to have a hand in?
Dragon in Marvel
Anime & Comics · ExistentialVoid