I cocked my head in confusion at that, as I asked, "What's aura?"
Others · Harry_Dresden
But saying this was a bigger blow to Misty, "I never expected this to be the true face of a Nurse Joy. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined!"
Anime & Comics · Expend
what's next... entei
Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
Anime & Comics · Expend
you can't not tell us.
Yellow pulled Ash closer and whispered in his ear, and Ash took a breath, "Yep let's keep that one to ourselves. It will probably break Bill's heart, hearing what his recording is saying."
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
"Well if you want you can come with us." Yellow offered, which surprised Brock and Ash. (Before People start commenting, I literally just flipped a coin to decide, Ok now you can comment)
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
"People are always talking about me, your Point" Jessie answered
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
catch the nidoking,nidiqueen and golem toss the rest
Looking around he could see that there were more than just the first form of these Pokemon. There were also some Nidorino and Nidoking. Some Nidorina and Nidoqueen. Then there were also Graveler and some Golem.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
I can use my frying pan as a DrYiNg PaN
"Here," Brock handed him a Wool and needle, Flint looked confused before Brock started explaining everything he needed to take care of; their favorite food, hobby, and quirks.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
no him | | | ⬇️
Well, there was that one kid that came in on a car with a bunch of cheerleaders and won on the first try. But knowing Brock he was probably distracted trying to impress the cheerleaders and then crying after they rejected him.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
when he realises his actions have consequences:
Blinking in surprise, a look of genuine confusion tinged Bakugo's fury. He and Izuku had known each other since they were two, maybe three years old. The latter had even 'allowed' him to call him Deku, so Bakugo's mind stalled a bit when Izuku said not to address him familiarly in the future. In a sense, it was like Izuku was cutting ties with him...
BNHA: Singularity
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