"I think we'll have more guests today than we anticipated."
Fantasy · Guiltythree
In an instant, the five rifthounds were enveloped in a gush of water so strong that it tore through their hide and obliterated them in an instant.
Video Games · Unusual_
Out there in front of them, in the distance, a dark figure was standing on the sun-bleached surface of the ancient bone. It had appeared out of nowhere like an apparition, for there had been no one and nothing ahead just a few short moments ago.
Fantasy · Guiltythree
Almost at the same time, there was a quiet rustle, and another black arrow suddenly shot out of the gate of the Shadow Lantern, missing his head by a hair's breadth.
Fantasy · Guiltythree
It would be a great story to tell Kai
That said, there was also a very important reason why he felt compelled to explore it, at least a little. It was similarly simple.
Fantasy · Guiltythree
Sunny offered her his arm, and she took it tentatively. Their physical closeness earned him a few scornful looks from the passerby, who seemed ready to beat him up as if he was some kind of despicable philanderer… with a healthy dose of envy mixed into the anger, perhaps.
Fantasy · Guiltythree
"Ah… what a sweet memory! You floundering in the dirt, too weak to stand up… I truly cherish it a lot."
Fantasy · Guiltythree
Neither side had a decisive advantage — while Saint was being pressed by Revel and the Reflection, she was like an indomitable wall of stonelike metal. Their attacks shattered against her shield and armor, while her own blade was a lethal threat.
Fantasy · Guiltythree
The beautiful harpy, Siord, screamed and fell to the ground, grasping a terrible wound. Sunny moved away to deflect an attack by Saint Ceres, but a moment later, another of his incarnations was standing in his place. The elegant jian rose and fell, slicing Siord's tendons and removing her from the battle.
Shadow Slave
Fantasy · Guiltythree