no this is normal luviagelita
he does, just not the extreme details to pinpoint what it is by what he's seen. Someone who's only watched FSN would have no idea about any of these people
read ahead
In that moment, my expression could not have been more deader. I did not know the words but I knew he was naming books. I loathed reading more than anything. Practical experience was way better.
Anime & Comics · Bleap
which version we talking
mostly because of her, she carried it
her event was so peak bro
nah, these are fate magic systems too. You just never see anything focus on them and their usage. I wanted to see said something. So I decided to write said something myself.
In the end, it mattered little. I had read through the transcripts of the Liber Al Vel Legis; "The Book of Law", written by one Aleister Crowley in the early 20th century. Some mook who claimed an angel had conversed with him and declared himself a prophet. His work was supposed to be a way of interacting with the material and the immaterial.
Anime & Comics · Bleap
First servant suggestions anyone?
my bad my bad. I usually post at the same time everyone else does but my schedule is all askew this month cause of fasting.
And uh, I feel I deserve some powerstones on account of all the research I have to do for this.
Anime & Comics · Bleap