Webnovel Author: Dao_8teh - Fanfic Collection



LV 4

I like to read. I hope I can make something out of it 😉✌️

2022-08-16 Bergabung Canada

Lencana 6

Moments 271


At least do dual citizenship later on

At one point, Steve suggested that I give up my British citizenship and become a full-fledged American, but I was hesitant. Thankfully, Kathy supported me, being a Brit herself.

Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)

Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)

Movies · FableWeaver


You said he was Chaotic Neutral or Neutral Good?

It's a smut fic. So don't expect any plot or development beside minor ones. The MC is evil and wouldn't hesitate to R*pe id he wants to. Though he will be a hero, it's more of a disguise to get close to many heroines.

I am Morty Sanchez

I am Morty Sanchez

Anime & Comics · Try_hard


Keep the offspring as male. This Morty will raise Morty Jr. better.

The news excited all of his mates and daughters even further, as they imagined what kind of children these races where the robot came from could produce with their father - half-human hybrids with incredible abilities or perhaps something entirely new altogether... The possibilities were endless, fueling their already intense desires for him even more.

I am Morty Sanchez

I am Morty Sanchez

Anime & Comics · Try_hard


I don’t want this to turn out like a typical WBWL fanfic. At least do something a bit different

However, Harry's hopes of encountering his brother Charles on the train did not materialize. After their recent public dispute at the bank, Harry had thought that his parents might finally explain the truth about him to Charles, possibly prompting his younger brother to seek him out. Unfortunately, like many of his previous expectations regarding his family, this one also led to disappointment.

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz

Replied to TheRamenLord

Well, I hope the MC will resolves those, and put up harsher/Stricter measures against corporate espionage and spies on companies.

"So even the lowest level employees can see what Jensen here is doing and he can in turn see what everyone else is doing."

Hollywood: Head-Hunting System

Hollywood: Head-Hunting System

Movies · TheRamenLord


Yeah, at change it to something like, lil sis or even something endearing like sweetie? At least call her Missy

I take a long sigh and say, "Most likely, daughter, you have to keep this secret for me and not tell anyone, can you do that for me?" I say in a reassuring tone as I stroke her cheek and fix her golden hair.

The Big Bang Assassin (The Big Bang Theory)

The Big Bang Assassin (The Big Bang Theory)

Movies · BlackNilton


Edit it, or at proofreading first as well. Also use Grammarly for basic editing on grammar and even use DeepL for decent translation as well.

In the harmonious atmosphere of dinner, Mary asked, "So Sheldon, how was school? Did you make any friends?" Mary said with slight concern because Little Sheldon was in a school with people much older than him. It was normal for a mother to worry, especially a doting mother like Mary, so she was concerned that Sheldon would be intimidated and wouldn't have any friends in the entire year, ending up dying alone.

The Big Bang Assassin (The Big Bang Theory)

The Big Bang Assassin (The Big Bang Theory)

Movies · BlackNilton


I also hope he gets a chance to meet Stanley Kubrick before he passes. So he can learn and collaborate with this legendary director.

While coming back from their trip, Mark promised her to take care of her American work visa. So she could move to America and then work on getting that citizenship later on.

Hollywood: Head-Hunting System

Hollywood: Head-Hunting System

Movies · TheRamenLord


I hope she does dual citizenship like Mark.

While coming back from their trip, Mark promised her to take care of her American work visa. So she could move to America and then work on getting that citizenship later on.

Hollywood: Head-Hunting System

Hollywood: Head-Hunting System

Movies · TheRamenLord


Aren’t they extinct in canon?

20. Prewett - Heir: Simon Prewett; Lord: Mr. Richard Prewett

Harry Potter. A Black Prodigy

Harry Potter. A Black Prodigy

Movies · Mr_Myeterious


Good, pull him in to your side, no need for that Slimy Weinstein to have any more influence

They got to talking, and he asked to be called QT, as it was his nickname. He recounted his favorite moments from his works, and how he especially liked the unreliable narrator trope that he used in Knives Out.

Hollywood: Head-Hunting System

Hollywood: Head-Hunting System

Movies · TheRamenLord


RIP Toriyama.


"Damn. Toriyama-sensei, truly is the best." Mark muttered with a solemn nod.

Hollywood: Head-Hunting System

Hollywood: Head-Hunting System

Movies · TheRamenLord

Replied to TheRamenLord

That’s tall for a Japanese woman!

"Otou-san, you even agreed to give him your support in establishing his base of power. I know that he has an impressive track record and looks promising, but don't you think it's a little too early to hedge your bets on him?" She couldn't help asking her father as they sat down for dinner.

Hollywood: Head-Hunting System

Hollywood: Head-Hunting System

Movies · TheRamenLord

Replied to TheRamenLord

How tall she would be exactly?

"Otou-san, you even agreed to give him your support in establishing his base of power. I know that he has an impressive track record and looks promising, but don't you think it's a little too early to hedge your bets on him?" She couldn't help asking her father as they sat down for dinner.

Hollywood: Head-Hunting System

Hollywood: Head-Hunting System

Movies · TheRamenLord


Reduce communist problems, prevent the Muslims from starting a separatist movement, and allow reforms in regards to education, health care, and spend the money on building effective, sustainable, and necessary infrastructure projects wisely.

As they lingered in the solemnity of the moment, Salazar felt a flicker of hope stir within his heart. Despite the uncertainty that shrouded his newfound existence, he was determined to seize this opportunity to reshape the trajectory of the Philippines, armed with the knowledge and insight of a man from the future.

Philippines: The Chosen Land

Philippines: The Chosen Land

Realistic · Moonlights_18


Use Lee Kuan Yew as an inspiration, even visit him to learn from him as well.

It was then that Salazar's world came crashing down around him, as the realization dawned upon him like a bolt of lightning. He was no longer Ferdinand Salazar, the humble professor from UP Diliman. He was now inhabiting the body of Ferdinand Marcos Sr., the infamous former President of the Philippines.

Philippines: The Chosen Land

Philippines: The Chosen Land

Realistic · Moonlights_18

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