It might be obvious, but this feels like a reference to that song by One Republic (counting stars). I can appreciate that😂
[You started counting stars instead of dollars. And you discovered that there were 8 stars that revolved each of your three star artifacts so there were 24 stars in total in front of you.]
Fantasy · ShadowKatake
So far, really good. The story has great potential, and it's being executed really well
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Looking forward to the next chapter!💪🔥
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*This isn't a book review so much as a 'request' for the author, but my rating stands.Hi Author😁Have you ever considered continuing with the story on your own? I don't even know if it's possible, but it was a really enjoyable read, and I was disappointed to see it end so abruptly.
"The Guardian of the Forest? Who's that?" Thalia asked, unfamiliar with Slavic mythology.
Percy Jackson: Son of Hades - Prince of the Underworld
Book&Literature · Shadow_D_Monarch3