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male LV 3
2022-07-12 Bergabung Brazil

Lencana 3

Moments 190


Just once in my life, just once, I would like to see an avatar fanfic where the protagonist is not a bender. I mean, it can't be that hard, right? Just give a skill an ability or power based on Chi manipulation and something new and interesting can emerge. The series has already confirmed several times that bending is not the only thing you can do with Chi. And it's not like a fanfic needs to be limited to the rules of the world either. But other than that, the story is really fun. There are some things here and there that I think could have been explored better, but it's not like it's the end of the world. The only thing I believe I can complain about is that the story moved too quickly with very little development. From what I understand, Akimaru is 15 years old, but he finished school 3 years earlier than usual? Do young people from the Fire Nation graduate at 18, even those who are going to join the army? I always thought it was earlier, since Azula's trio are all teenagers who are definitely not yet 18 in the series. What I found most strange is that his family is so idiotic, but so idiotic that they didn't even try to leverage their own position using their intellect. It doesn't take a genius to understand that the kid has a pretty good head on his shoulders. If it were me in their place, I would try to place him in a position that exploited this intelligence, such as a strategist, engineer or even a developer of military equipment. How good would it be for their social and political standing if someone in the family got an important position? Ultimately, I think things are happening too quickly for the story's good. Aki and Azula need better development, they deserve decent development. This separation seems more like a bad excuse for the story to follow the canon, as well as being too cliché to accept.


Is it funny that my first comment on the story is after it ended? I think it depends on the perspective. I won't say I liked everything about the story, but I guess that's the way it is. You like some things and not others. I don't think the story was bad, on the contrary, it was very good. I think the most striking aspect about the story is how it deviates from the canonical plot in the most unconventional way possible. Usually it's that hero thing that starts out dominated and solves all the problems, prevents bad things from happening and creates a harem with all the women he meets. Familiar Unconsolidated completely deviates from this premise and presents a darker and crueler, but also more human and realistic perspective of what would happen to someone in Michael's situation. I'm not going to lie, the guy is full of flaws and has a screwed up mind, but he's no less human for that, even after becoming a god and then a fundamental force. I personally believe that I would have made many of the same choices he made, not all, but many. Enough to regret it, if there was still anything left of my original self. Many of Michael's choices have caused more harm than good, especially in Familiar of Zero, but isn't that how the real world works? The choices we make, the things we do, even if well intentioned, do not necessarily cause the best result. That was his case. He made a decision, he made a mistake, the consequences of his actions fell on him and he had to deal with those consequences, however unfair they were. Perhaps events would have turned out differently if he hadn't killed that noble boy (whose name I won't bother remembering), but that time has passed. Honestly, I really liked that the story took such an unusual path, it would have been much less interesting and much more predictable otherwise.

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