Angel1756 - Profile



LV 13
2022-06-13 Bergabung Global

Lencana 5

Moments 95


I was expecting something like that.

Another Tengu steps forth before throwing a hefty sack over to the Major. As the sack lands roughly, the content inside rolls out. Much to the dismay of the Belkans and the horror of the Major, the things that rolled out are the decaying heads of the Major's family, encased in ice.

Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

War · Heartbreak01

Replied to Kazuma_desu_

Its called Gotham’s Dead End Bar.

"Nothing is truly immortal child, not even the Lords of Order. SHE always comes when it is time" Nabu said, as Gwen breathed in deeply, knowing who he was speaking of. She didn't even think of uttering the name, knowing that bringing an Endless to her, was a really really bad idea.

SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Anime & Comics · ArtoriaPendragon_


Dude, you are filthy rich, you can just order more food and have it delivered in a few minutes.

He took another bight as me and Illyana finished off our last pieces of Pizza. Yes Loki was eating Tony's pizza, with no regard for the man that was metaphorically fuming from his ears.

Reality Bender System, Marvel

Reality Bender System, Marvel

Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds


Plus it’s actually true.

I scowled a little as i was told straight to my face that my magic knowledge and powers are weak. I could feel the slash across my pride but decided to hold back any of my words, especially since she is the person with supreme knowledge of magic on Earth.

Reality Bender System, Marvel

Reality Bender System, Marvel

Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds


That’s pretty dumb, again. If you don’t trust the guy (and you shouldn’t ), why are you taking him anywhere ?

Marcus sighed. He didn't exactly trust this man, but the guy had come trying to help them…even if he had resorted to kidnapping Madelyn Stillwell. "You can come with us." Marcus told Butcher. "But you won't be able to return for about a week. There's a cool down time on my portals." Marcus didn't mention anything about them traveling to another Earth altogether. He'd let that one be a surprise.

Dimensional Nephilim

Dimensional Nephilim

Anime & Comics · StarWaves


He’s much smarter than you.

Marcus and everyone else still conscious, watched in shock as Homelander rocketed into the sky and sped away as fast as he possibly could. In a only a few seconds, he was gone over the horizon.

Dimensional Nephilim

Dimensional Nephilim

Anime & Comics · StarWaves


Hopefully he grows smarter later on.

Marcus watched the lightning once again build up in shock. Megan was in his arms unconscious and Annie was held in Butcher's arms, knocked out as well. They were no longer in a position to fight. He knew that he needed to do something to get everyone out of this situation. It was his fault they were all here in the first place after all. Both of his girlfriends might be currently more powerful than he was, but Marcus knew that he was still the leader. It was his job to make sure everyone got home safely!

Dimensional Nephilim

Dimensional Nephilim

Anime & Comics · StarWaves


About time she start chasing infinity stones.

The Giant warship that showed up at the prison belonged to him. Ronan had come to the Kyln trying to track down the Power Stone. 

The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)

The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)

Movies · StarWaves


I hope she’s waifu#2

"Yes, I am a princess, and that's why I demand you to treat me of that tasty lunch!...please?"

The first step is to be expelled from the academy.

The first step is to be expelled from the academy.

Fantasy · Papaslocas


It’s still pretty sad that a random person is able to punch you in the face.

"I'm fine." Marcus said. "I think he broke his hand. I am bulletproof after all."

Dimensional Nephilim

Dimensional Nephilim

Anime & Comics · StarWaves


If his father is Lex he clearly didn’t inherit the brain.

MArcus had wondered that before. He could barely keep the spear itself out for a few minutes without exhausting his own Light Energy reserves. How did he manage to use the Balance Breaker before then? "Was it you?" He asked.

Dimensional Nephilim

Dimensional Nephilim

Anime & Comics · StarWaves


Well, both you and the awakeners have an IQ in the low double digits so of course I want to negotiate.

"Cheeky little brat who doesn't know the world. What makes you think you have the right to do the negotiation with me".

Transmigrate inside a Web Novel as a Side Character.

Transmigrate inside a Web Novel as a Side Character.

Fantasy · Resett


Plot armor skill, MAX.

The golden thin layered aura began to dissipate around Soma's body and it began to crawl back into the inscription again. Soma, whose plan succeeded, had a huge sigh of relief. He didn't think that it actually works.

Transmigrate inside a Web Novel as a Side Character.

Transmigrate inside a Web Novel as a Side Character.

Fantasy · Resett


I’m not sure you should be checking and reading emails if there are explosions outside, maybe you should pay attention to what’s going on until you are sure it’s safe.

On his left chest, his phone started to vibrate. Soma thought it was the notification for the timer to end, but the vibration and the melody it plays are different from what he knows. So he took out his phone and he found a single new email.

Transmigrate inside a Web Novel as a Side Character.

Transmigrate inside a Web Novel as a Side Character.

Fantasy · Resett


Six digit savings is not massive by any means, even a few million is not massive.

However, Soma didn't want to become a lazy person. Even with his massive savings. He tried to earn his own money for his everyday life. So, he used his parent's money, only for his college tuition.

Transmigrate inside a Web Novel as a Side Character.

Transmigrate inside a Web Novel as a Side Character.

Fantasy · Resett


She has billions, she could just buy blood by the gallon.

Seeing the recent text Alice sent her, Lucifer smiled and set the phone down. Having just finished her dinner she decided that it was time to practice her abilities some more. She decided that her schedule from now on would mostly consist of her going to school, getting home and training, and then occasionally feeding when needed.

Travels of the Daughter of God

Travels of the Daughter of God

Movies · ArtoriaPendragon_

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