ah, this businessman 🤣🤣🤣 when they find out that going to the source is cheaper, the officials will cry blood
"I have to be," Samuel replied calmly. "And I can tell you one more thing, you can exchange the rank 4 meditation technique of Hai Magic Meditation Technique with 2000 rank 4 magic cores."
Sci-fi · Sorahana
thank you for the bulk release 🥰🥰🥰
Me too, because this last one sounds like something that will happen to you
She had a great desire to say, oh crap!!
Fantasy · 1cutecat
does this mean that she will stop leaving problems for tomorrow and start addressing them in the moment?
Phoebe's back stiffened, she suddenly had more to consider, her troubles with Moria did not concern her alone now, she had a child on the way. A child that did not need the label of a mistress's child.
Fantasy · 1cutecat
we do want to know the details left out too
Nodding his head, David chewed on his upper lip. "I have a lot of questions about what is going on here, me planting seeds in you does that really mean that...." He paused, his lips hesitating to say what he wanted but he did not have the time either. "And these blinking numbers on your arm, that pendant around your neck and also why I see glowing current leaving me and entering your body. I want to know everything." He emphasized the word everything. He wanted her to reveal the truth to him.
Fantasy · 1cutecat
I am willing to bet that you made sure of that
The Saxon spirit shrugged. "You should have thought of that before forgetting to use rainy day umbrellas last night. You my dear are as fertile as a mouse."
Fantasy · 1cutecat
it's awesome to see David's wounds being treated too 🤗
When he was convinced that she was cheating on him with Dickson, he became insecure. It was not that she did not like sex, she just didn't want it with him.
Fantasy · 1cutecat
I am happy that not only did she voice what he needed to hear, but also that she spoke up
"I was made for you, born for you. I am yours David Saxon, only yours." she said in a low whisper that caressed his ears like a gentle kiss.
Fantasy · 1cutecat
well, that was miscommunication at work again, because she mentioned being turned down several times
He gulped and shook his head, the sight before him was unbelievable, the old Phoebe would never have worn something like this, she was a prude.
Fantasy · 1cutecat
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
Runemaster in the Last Days
Sci-fi · Sorahana