Hanekawa's expression turned strange as he recalled certain stories about nuns and fish.
Anime & Comics · Rashta
"I'm telling the truth!" Obito quickly argued.
Anime & Comics · Rashta
TT boruto is a bad for my generation
Ah, now I understand why Anko Mitarashi turned into a fat pig
Anime & Comics · Rashta
zoro is too good to let go, it's just that i wanted to create another plot than the one in Shells town for him ^^
yes it begins and the STARS will show the extent of their abilities ^^
İltifatınız için teşekkürler, haftada en az bir tane yazmaya çalışıyorum çünkü aynı anda üç tane fanfic yazıyorum.
(Author's note: A small grinding chapter. Don't hesitate to check out the images I'll be leaving here to illustrate some of the demon beasts as well as Chan Wei's familiars.)
Book&Literature · geomichi506
(Author's note: A small grinding chapter. Don't hesitate to check out the images I'll be leaving here to illustrate some of the demon beasts as well as Chan Wei's familiars.)
Book&Literature · geomichi506
(Author's note: A small grinding chapter. Don't hesitate to check out the images I'll be leaving here to illustrate some of the demon beasts as well as Chan Wei's familiars.)
Book&Literature · geomichi506
76. Tsunade's Iron Fist of Love
Talent System In The Naruto Universe
Anime & Comics · Rashta