surprise guys another harem member
Anime & Comics · multiverse_theory
had to deal with freshman college stuff so I am free to write and I will release a bunch of chapters at the end of the week at the latest. so here is a meme as payment for your patience
Chiron held a more human form as he sat down, with his centaur legs replaced with two normal ones. He had found it easier to teach new students with them, as they were easily distracted by his horse appendages.
Anime & Comics · theMadLad
yeah she will don't worry
more so they won't have a lot of of appearances in the story ( still more screen time than tenten though )
they will have the most appearances compared to the rest of the harem
yep he did even though it was for a short while
Than at the age of 5 when his uncle radditz kidnapped his brother Gohan he tapped into a unknown power at the time which badly injured radditz that allowed Gohan to strike the final blow that allowed his father to sacrifice himself to save everyone
Anime & Comics · multiverse_theory
don't worry they will be explained in the next chapter I release
yeap even esadeath from Akame ga kill had a few screws lose long before the story began
2. Sasuke is a female with a fragile mind { like Azula }: it's a fact that women are more emotional than men so satski will no be more emotionall unstable than Sasuke and will show extremely sadistic tendencies and will be a bloodthirsty yandere who will more obsessed with the main character than road to ninja Hinata and canon Hinata combined.
I reincarnated as Naruto two months before the wave arc... now what?
Anime & Comics · multiverse_theory