has this now been dropped?
Effect: When engaging with others in tense or confrontational situations, your presence and physical strength impose a subtle yet powerful influence, increasing the chance that weaker or less confident individuals will break under pressure.
TV · AresDrakon
unfortunately it says code expired but that's ok still loving this story
sounds like the viking board game Hnefatafl
"It's simple. There are two sets of pieces, the defenders and attackers, with the king being in the square in the middle," Ariel arranged the game pieces for Orion and Mia to see. "Attackers start at the edge of the board and we take turns moving one piece at a time. A game piece can move horizontally, vertically, or diagonally."
Fantasy · PhoenixAsh
has this been dropped hope not as it's probably the best fan fic of the 100 I've read please update soon
I send this book all my power stones every day for one simple reason I absolutely love this story it gets better and better
will this continue 🤔 hopefully 🙏
The Jarl breathed out before nodding "We will go east again, to the Baltics and into Russia," he said. There were mumbles among the men in the hall but nothing more.
TV · TheManUnderTheBed
you still have to finish the bloodhair arc
after 15 chapters it's ending not much point in starting
is this dropped
The 100 : The duty of a leader
TV · MeatBunKun