

LV 13
2022-03-14 Bergabung Netherlands
Lencana 2

Moments 83
12 days ago

That would be the most stupid decision one can make. The entire reason the north is not andalized is because of the swampy regions

Moat Cailin, on the other hand, had access to the Narrow Sea and was a choke point on the Kingsroad, meaning major trade routes and the potential for tolls and taxes. The land could potentially be treated from a swamp to fertile cropland. However, the castle was in ruins, and transforming the swampy land would require a significant investment.

Torrhen the Thunderbolt

Torrhen the Thunderbolt

Book&Literature · Logi_cal

1 months ago

Oke, now I am mad confused

However, the robots had gone out of control, seeing that humans were the source of mutants, and then humans were the problem. As long as humans existed, then so would mutants, so their only way to complete their mission was to go and eliminate every living human in the entire world.

Marvel: The Foundation

Marvel: The Foundation

Movies · Darkstar_crow

1 months ago

sorry, this clears it

The Sentinel's mechanical voice responded with chilling clarity. "Mutants are humans with their X-gene activated, the only way to fully eliminate them is to eliminate their source."

Marvel: The Foundation

Marvel: The Foundation

Movies · Darkstar_crow

1 months ago

shouldn't bruce, steve, peggy and the winter soldier have an X-gene

The robot's sensors swept over the group, its mechanical voice continuing in a monotone. "Pure humans detected. No threat to the primary directive. Stand down, assess, and report."

Marvel: The Foundation

Marvel: The Foundation

Movies · Darkstar_crow

1 months ago

Didn't everyone in the marvel world have an X-gene. If so, a human is considered not pure if they do not have the X-gene.

"No X-gene detected! Pure humans detected."

Marvel: The Foundation

Marvel: The Foundation

Movies · Darkstar_crow

1 months ago

that is funny

It was strange, and not even everyone could use that power while wielding the shield. They were still trying to figure out what made some people able to and not others, while they also worked out whether they should classify the shield as an SCP object.

Marvel: The Foundation

Marvel: The Foundation

Movies · Darkstar_crow

1 months ago

There is a lot of reverse simping going on right now

"You're back…" she whispered, the first words she uttered in 6 six months as a tear fell from her eye. She hadn't cried when she saw him die, just like she hadn't cried when she heard the news of her parents' death. But right now, she couldn't stop it.

HP: The Arcane Thief

HP: The Arcane Thief

Anime & Comics · Snollygoster

1 months ago

Is it just me, or are Steve and Peggy continuously speaking like they are some main characters

Peggy frowned as she continued to examine the statue. "Whatever happened, it's clear that they were desperate. This monument was meant to honor their efforts, but it's become a symbol of their downfall instead."

Marvel: The Foundation

Marvel: The Foundation

Movies · Darkstar_crow

1 months ago

Wauw, that is … hard to imagine

Without the scepter, there was no way to shut down the portal, and there were no missiles carrying a nuclear bomb for Stark to carry up into the portal. Thus, they lost the battle. Loki won, and as a result, the forces of Thanos that he had borrowed slaughtered half of humanity.

Marvel: The Foundation

Marvel: The Foundation

Movies · Darkstar_crow

1 months ago

Where would they get all the milk from

No giant rats and buildings made of cheese. No, instead, he once more found himself in what seemed like New York City. But not the one he was familiar with; in this one, there was a large tower rising up high, and nothing new there.

Marvel: The Foundation

Marvel: The Foundation

Movies · Darkstar_crow