It’s new, there not much story about this
1. Trophonius, Dark Oracle
Book&Literature · Joanjudo
Isnt the 7 seat is isshiki?
It’s alright, just take your time on healing, get well soon
Love this chapter
Woww hope u able to update soon, can’t wait to see what will happen to rita
Buku ini telah dihapus.
Get well soon
If so they comment on this and do a vote. 1 for James and Lily to be dead and Ramon raises Harry by himself (with the help of Arabella). 2 for James to be dead and Lily lives while Ramon helps to protect them and helps raise Harry. 3 for Lily to be dead by sacrificing herself to protect Harry and James was somewhere else and helps James with his grief of losing Lily and helping Harry so he doesn't act like James growing up.
The best uncle in the multiverse
Others · parker_xthinker