The most disliked thing for me is how easily he captures pokemon. It's a mockery to the already established world. Just remember how Ash or any other trainers to capture a pokemon go through the process of battling them, challenging them or creating bonds even to catch even the weakest pokemon. But not for Goh! He just carries a bag full of pokeballs, and any pokemon encountered by him will already be in his pokeball in just one single throw, even when their health is full. The capture rate is so high for him, that other than some plot related pokemons, every other pokemon have a 100% catch rate for him. You will know the frustration of this unfairness ones you watch the Pokemon Journey bro.
Kai recognized her at once, she was Chloe, the childhood friend of Goh, another protagonist in the "Pokémon Journeys" anime and the daughter of Professor Cerise.
Anime & Comics · iamxeno
So much so that even he found it impossible to believe he could ever be considered an "Evil God."
Anime & Comics · michaeI
When in doubt, blame Asura God!
PS: This story somewhat twisted the original story. Well, this is fanfic. After all, if Ah Yin still has loved for her husband it will be difficult to add her in the harem.
Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode
You can also add here that Tang Hao did love her, but Asura God influenced his emotions, and amplified his emotions of Greed for the soul ring or it can be that he had an inferiority complex cause of his wife's strength, and that emotion was amplified...
PS: This story somewhat twisted the original story. Well, this is fanfic. After all, if Ah Yin still has loved for her husband it will be difficult to add her in the harem.
Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode
And DC don't?
And Aizen's world..." I pause, deliberately not revealing specific knowledge about his reality, "...well, I'm still learning what makes it unique, but I suspect it contains principles that could expand our understanding of existence itself."
Anime & Comics · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
You are exaggerating his world😑
Light's world has different approaches to justice and social organization that might offer insights.
Anime & Comics · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
isn't she the queen of Sirzechs?
"Muu~ Now that I think about it,you've never made a peerage of your own, nor have you joined a peerage★. Then how about you join my peerage★? It'll be a lot of fun★!"
Anime & Comics · Chaotic_Sovereign
I'll be watching you _
With the right technology, those barriers might be traversable."
Anime & Comics · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
jokes on you, he also has that🤣
Because Minato's Flying Thunder God allowed for instantaneous movement, he could evade Shigen's attacks.
Naruto: Manipulation
Anime & Comics · michaeI