no, any three tomoe sharingan could do that, that's why danzo can use that jutsu with three tomoe sharingan that was installed in his arm
"Sacrifice is inevitable, but maybe... Izanagi could save their lives. Though that would come with its own consequences," suggested another, cautiously.
Anime & Comics · Ye_qingtian
hachi-nan tte sore wai nai deshou!
"You are now 19 years old, so you are an adult. However, this territory must be ruled by Thorkell, and it is small, so I have nothing to give you." [T/N: Wait a damn second! Isn't there an anime with same start? I can't remember the name tho. It was some long-ass name for sure.]
Others · Immortal_Darkness_
"What other choice do we have? Without pain, humanity won't back down. Enough arguing. Take my father back and order all mutants to follow my commands."
Anime & Comics · ShadySmuggler
Jean joined her, "I also read that Japanese people flush their toilets seven times and claim it's clean enough to drink from."
Anime & Comics · ShadySmuggler
"Ugh~ The strange ceiling~"
Anime & Comics · Night_FrOst_
in some chinese fanfic of naruto, pain was written payne, so... uncle payne 😆😆😆
"Uncle Payne, what's going on in the market?"
Anime & Comics · FictionOP
Izuku's green crackles intensified "On your left~"
Anime & Comics · Holy_Gamer
if you read chinese fanfic this word should be "scram" 😁😁😁
Anime & Comics · Holy_Gamer
He shook his head, dismissing it. "I'll deal with you later. This is… too much."
Anime & Comics · Holy_Gamer
Chisori glanced at the flowers, then at Ichi Ichi Paradise, and then back at the flowers. A bold thought flashed through her mind. Her face flushed slightly as she quickly averted her gaze.
Konoha: Gu Master
Anime & Comics · HyppoTL