I think this sentence would sound (flow) more fluidly written as either "…it all felt so surreal." or "…it was all so surreal." instead of "…it was all felt so surreal."
Raelynn nodded mutely, trailing behind him as he approached the front doors. She couldn't help but glance around as they walked, her eyes drinking in every detail. The towering columns flanking the entrance, the fancy carvings on the doorframe, lanterns' faint glow lit the stone steps with warm light—it was all felt so surreal.
Fantasy · seohyangchen
justled » jostled
All of a sudden the door justled open then Sylvester slammed it closed with his back again.
· NuckinFuxNix
"…like Meyhymm had said." » "…like Bellamy had said." Considering it wasn't Meyhymm who had used the suppressant earlier but Bellamy
I raised the injections high enough to check the colors and stabbed the green one directly into his neck. He sprang up in alarm, and looked down at me, confused. His eyes weren't as vibrant anymore so it at least took the edge off like Meyhymn had said.
· NuckinFuxNix
Delcain's thought re: Tristan being able to "talk a man out of wallet and keys", has me wondering when & how often that occurred during the years after they escaped from the facility
She was right, Tristan was always strong at the strangest of times, and could talk a man out of his wallet and keys. I had to find a way to protect him within 48 hours, and I would do it for my naive older brother, without fail. I left my room and headed for the first floor, and then I ran into Meyhymn on the stairs.
· NuckinFuxNix
loose » lose
"Look asshole, you're not the only one mated to him. Also, have the decency to recognize your damn friends, you feral bastard. Nobody wants to fucking fight you, but if Tristan wakes up, you're going to scare the hell out of him... And newsflash idiots, if Tristan wakes up and Ferdinand sees his eyes we loose!" I said, exasperated.
· NuckinFuxNix
extention » extension
He walked over to his monitor and queued up his systems. After everything loaded, he stuck a flash drive into an extention port, and loaded it up. After sifting through the files, he clicked on the folder that said, 'For Tristan' and it opened, revealing over 20 more folders.
· NuckinFuxNix
dipping » dripping
I slid Tristan's pajama pants down, and he was already dipping wet. It was as if his body was truly calling out to us.
· NuckinFuxNix
climed » climbed
We climed into the bed and soon enough, Cole was at the door looking ridiculously tired, like he had climbed a mountain to get here.
· NuckinFuxNix
departed & left essentially mean the same thing in that sentence, this it's repetitive & unnecessary to use both
As soon as the doctor departed left, the room fell into an awkward silence. Raelynn glanced at Elion, her eyes flicking up to his face, trying to read his thoughts, but he remained tense, his expression like stone. It wasn't until Kade let out a low whistle that the silence begin to fade.
Fantasy · seohyangchen
See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule
Runaway Omega
· NuckinFuxNix