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LV 15
2021-07-09 Bergabung Global

Lencana 12

Moments 168


and that probably was life threatening

He plummeted, hitting the deck with a giant thud!

Herald of Steel

Herald of Steel

War · FerriticMatrix


you did bud get to it

If that were truly the case, then who the hell created the first FTL drive?

Interstellar Age

Interstellar Age

Sci-fi · Zentmeister


did not*?

No matter what the general's personal thoughts on this whole matter were, he did dare to lie and thus betray his lord's confidence.

Herald of Steel

Herald of Steel

War · FerriticMatrix


why not clone them from a backup you create as they leave the max range of the net?

It was a true suicide mission, one that none of the men regretted undertaking. Erich, Mirage, and Tia watched the video footage of the operation with beers in hand. Mirage had brought a bag of chips with her, causing Erich to shift his attention to the blue-haired beauty every time an audible crunch was heard. 

Interstellar Age

Interstellar Age

Sci-fi · Zentmeister


just clone them as they leave since you know they are going to die anyway

They know that when they die, it will be beyond the reach of our resurrection network. And they have elected to do so regardless. The most elite WRAITHs, Banshees, and SHADES that the Empire, Dominion, and Federation have to offer will be taking part in this operation. The chances of success are high, even if the mortality rate is projected to be absolute. 

Interstellar Age

Interstellar Age

Sci-fi · Zentmeister


oh look whose 10 steps behind

"Project Samson has the potential to destroy the entire galaxy. There is a reason such research has been banned since the Primeval Era. Are you seriously trying to say that our situation is so dire? We must resort to bringing that online? Sure, it may help us defend our world, but you know how those things are. They will eventually turn on us, and all biological life, for that matter.

Interstellar Age

Interstellar Age

Sci-fi · Zentmeister


zanzan marines on your trade vessels?

"...." Alexander could only pursue his lips at this, feeling a slight headache coming as he tried to think about how to tackle that eventual problem.

Herald of Steel

Herald of Steel

War · FerriticMatrix



"Daelia, I called you and your older sister here to discuss a matter, one that is deeply important to my people. I am sure you know what I speak of. The protection which the Svartalfheim provides to the Confederation of Human Worlds... Rovoke it!"

Interstellar Age

Interstellar Age

Sci-fi · Zentmeister


eternal God emperor of mankind?

War is our way of life, and besides, I'm not going anywhere. Like you and Lunaria, I have cheated death... No, I will be here leading my armies into the vast unknown until either the Naraku is well and truly vanquished, or until the heat of death of the universe occurs. Whatever happens first, I suppose... 

Interstellar Age

Interstellar Age

Sci-fi · Zentmeister

Replied to settapong29

but a convenient ally to dominate the coast of adhan as well as supply shipping for his industry

He had already grown impatient to bed those two cuties, especially with both the ebony beauties growing in beauty each passing day ever since coming to Zanzan.

Herald of Steel

Herald of Steel

War · FerriticMatrix


perfect time to send a runner to Alexander letting him know you've got gates open and a beachhead in the city

Or so it appeared, until suddenly, Papando, who was accompanying him proposed to him in a very enthusiastic voice, "Lord Grahtos! There are still other ways into the city! Like the eastern gate overlooking the river. I can go open it for you."

Herald of Steel

Herald of Steel

War · FerriticMatrix


some idiot huh

For example, I come from a doomed timeline, one where an extra-galactic race invaded the galaxy and presumably wiped out all life. That race was the Naraku. They are currently devouring the last remnants of biological life in the Andromeda Galaxy, and plan to invade the Milky Way in full force within the next eighty years. Unfortunately for me, some idiot accidentally triggered their invasion prematurely during my past life. 

Interstellar Age

Interstellar Age

Sci-fi · Zentmeister


well that's play for play like half of the previous timeline

"If you both weren't confident in an victory against Terminus, then by now Hans and his entire regime would have fled the Empire, leaving it open for a coup from a despot, who would refuse to relinquish his power when the time came for the true heir to ascend... 

Interstellar Age

Interstellar Age

Sci-fi · Zentmeister


I think you meant "detect the naraku"?

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Interstellar Age

Interstellar Age

Sci-fi · Zentmeister

Replied to Hunter101Bomber

it was the deputy Supreme leader I think this was an accidental omission

Of course, as the Supreme Leader of the Germanic Star-Empire, Karl wasn't a fool, he knew that S'varin had gone out of his way to have Erich absent from this important meeting, and thus he was quick to address this issue with a stern tone in his voice. 

Interstellar Age

Interstellar Age

Sci-fi · Zentmeister


always expanded this to deny, deny, deny, counteraccuse

Deny, deny, deny. Even if they find out, never ever admit to anything! Deny, deny, deny.

Herald of Steel

Herald of Steel

War · FerriticMatrix


starting to look like decimation is on the table

"Okay, then make it one tenth!" So Menes immediately decreased the punishment by ten times.

Herald of Steel

Herald of Steel

War · FerriticMatrix


isn't article 5 the mutual defense article, article 4 is for consultation I thought

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Herald of Steel

Herald of Steel

War · FerriticMatrix


unless there's a rich 3rd party trying real hard to make back their investment

After all, otherwise, no one going to see a camp supposedly holding 40,000 men and come to the conclusion that half of them were fake.

Herald of Steel

Herald of Steel

War · FerriticMatrix

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