Another terrifying possibil side adventure for our heroic trio; the StarCraft universe. T’Pol infiltrates a Protoss installation and makes off with a probe and a complete construction matrix, Vicky manages to get a Terran command center filled to the brim with resources. Tyson gets infested by the Zerg becoming the “King of Blades” and with his perks his mind remains untouched as he makes off with a few drones. Maybe buy a resource planet for his dimension and boom emergence fallback fleet too assist allies in any reality. Not to mention Crusher going nuts when she scans the Zerg biology. Hehehehe.
Episode: Star Trek The Next Generation - Too Short A Season Complete!
电影同人 · Steatoda
Back in her universe or Tyson’s she be an outright terror in the field or shipboard boarding operations. “We are the Borg, resistance is fut-“ Bzzzzzt “Irrelevant.”
"Exactly," Tyson confirmed. "I thought it would suit you better than the more mystical aspects of the Force. It aligns more closely with Vulcan logic and scientific understanding, just taken to an extreme degree."
电影同人 · Steatoda
Try Death Star made of beskar.
Vicky crossed her arms. "So what's the plan? We can't just go in guns blazing. If she's a true Mary Sue, she'll have plot armor thicker than beskar."
电影同人 · Steatoda
Tyson is an ops. officer that a part of the engineering branch… Yar and Worf now really want him for security and away missions!!! Tyson = one man heavy assault team/ nightmare infiltrator.
Tyson rose to stand amid the incoming phaser bolts, batting each energy beam away with calm precision. His lightsaber hummed as he strode toward the soldiers. He flowed between the men like a storm unleashed, and precise phaser shots dropped soldiers in his wake. To the Starfleet team taking cover behind the concrete pylons and walls, Tyson seemed an unstoppable warrior wielding formidable skills. As the last attacker collapsed boneless at Tyson's feet, he lowered his blade. His senses and the tricorder indicated there were no further threats.
电影同人 · Steatoda
Can’t they feed data into his med-bay computer to be analyzed?
"I'm no doctor, doctor. My skills lie in sticking patients into the Medical Bay and letting the technology work its magic. But I'm happy to lend my brain to bounce ideas off of."
电影同人 · Steatoda
Aww an ancestor of Bib, Jabba’s majordōmo.
"Ah, another hunter, I see," the Twi'lek said, his lekku twitching with interest. "You must be here for the Krayt Dragon as well. I'm Komad Fortuna. Perhaps you'd be willing to help us bait the beast out of its lair?"
电影同人 · Steatoda
With a lurch, the Interdictor shot forward, the swirling blue tunnel of hyperspace enveloping the ship.
电影同人 · Steatoda
That still three to four ranks away…
He was an Ensign in Starfleet, after all. Even with his Speedy Promotions Perk, it might be some time before he reached the rank of Lieutenant Commander or Commander, the minimum required to command a starship officially.
电影同人 · Steatoda
Love it Harry is scared of her dad. Hahahahahaha
"We have the knowledge to change things so that's what I intend to do, fuck preserving the time line that saw you raped and the two of us kissed before we got out of our teens. I really don't care about anyone else, as long as the four of us are safe, though explaining that ring to your dad might require Hagrid as a bodyguard."
Harry Potter: Redemption in Time
电影同人 · Earthly_Writer