What, where, when... my reactions after reading the chapter
Buku ini telah dihapus.
A shame indeed
(A/N: Guys I can't lie, I skipped ahead what is probably fifty chapters or a few months ahead to write one of the best fight scenes of all time; it is absolute cinema. Truly a shame you won't be able to read it for quite a while.)
Video Games · WanderingCritic
Only parts of his upper body, containing his heart and other vital organs remained and the rest was supported by metal machines.
Fantasy · GREAT
While murmuring this somewhat unfamiliar name, George reached into his bag and took out a vial of regeneration serum glowing bright green, examining it carefully.
Anime & Comics · iRedX43
"Sorry, kid, but we're looking for someone else now. Stay." He then runs off as the teen remains unconscious and keeps looking across the city at high speeds, but then, after searching for what seems like hours, Wonder Woman comes over the comms and says, "I found the clown; he is in a submarine off the Metropolis Docks.."
Anime & Comics · EzioAuditore_1
I don't care about life or death. As long as I get to know more ...
Anime & Comics · Cedric_7512
It should be the way it is...
- Keep it the way it is now.
Anime & Comics · Cedric_7512
"Who the fuck are you?" Arasaka's Butcher asked in a callous, static tone.
Video Games · Bakkughan
It all happened in a split second. The screech of metal on metal as the Chevillon scoured the guardrails, the sound of flesh impacting flesh and three heavy grunts of pain as their momentum was suddenly and painfully halted. Sasha felt whiplashed and it took a few moments for her to dare open her eyes.
Video Games · Bakkughan
Involving myself with a Murder
I'm a God, Ok? (Naruto/God-SI)
Anime & Comics · ValeronWriter