Sokka turned toward the sea and began waving his hand, as if expecting something to happen. But nothing did. "Come on, man."
Anime & Comics · blazuki
Maybe, put the space bar between some of them. 👍
France vs. GermanyBrazil vs. EnglandArgentina vs. BelgiumNetherlands vs. Costa Rica
Celebrities · Sinbad_12
Heh... as if.
Gathering the divine power within him, Dane called forth the lightning of Zeus, a force capable of shattering even the mother box.
Anime & Comics · stylish_slayer
That's only half the saying.
As a famous person once said, Know yourself and you will win a Thousand Battles.
Anime & Comics · Josh_Richie
Yes... from 1-2 to 2-0, now this.
The FA Cup had long been a tournament built on fairy-tale stories—where the underdog could defy the odds, leaving giants humbled and stunned. But even by FA Cup standards, Leicester's 3-2 comeback victory over Stoke City was different.
Celebrities · Sinbad_12
Wasn't silver 1 vice-admiral level?
Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
Anime & Comics · Coreal
"That's correct. Although you've hardly mastered the basics, you need to understand that fighting one person is fundamentally different from fighting two. The sooner you grasp this, the better. Let's begin."
Movies · Anihilator
Yeah... wth happened? Who was Regal talking to? John? Jenny?
"What the hell just happened?" He muttered under his breath, watching John storm out steamingly.
Movies · OrgoWriters
Wasn't his single parenting?
"You wish. You'll complete a course in business management so you can help your friend here. Otherwise, you'll just squander all the money on drugs and women if you don't do any work," Chris's mom said bluntly, not allowing his dad to answer here.
Movies · thelightedghost
'I never thought that watching those old men doing Tai Chi in the park would be so good,' Shisui thought, his style becoming much more defensive, much to Azula's annoyance.
Avatar: Chaos Water
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse