For one fleeting moment, all sound seemed to vanish as the arrow and the sword's devastating force collided.
Anime & Comics · Abhii_28
Even if the whole world gave up, Pegasus would keep running—until the day it could run no more.
Anime & Comics · Abhii_28
Buku ini telah dihapus.
"There ain't no party like an Isaac party."
Video Games · Unusual_
How is bro still not on grand servant level bro
This is definitely Promise's doing!
Anime & Comics · Abhii_28
The red chimney all over again...
"I only heard two words." He said, gesturing with his hand. "One was something about a chimney while the other is... Sandal Claws... or something like that."
Video Games · Unusual_
He killed chimera with an arrow imbued with artemis moonlight
Despite the winged horse's usual habit of selling Promise to many goddesses and then retreating to graze, when it truly mattered, Pegasus never faltered.
Anime & Comics · Abhii_28
He leaped high into the air, just like a mantis blocking a car, and swung his sword without hesitation!
Anime & Comics · XElenea
Yeah, the author said that Menchi has pink hair, then it's HxH 1999
(T/N: For some who feel confused about why it did not show in the anime, the anime cut this part, but it does appear in the manga.)
Anime & Comics · 0StolenDream0
Sounds good
1) become neutral with Astera
Roar of the Anjanath
Video Games · Gearjay