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LV 2
2021-06-11 Bergabung Global

Lencana 4

Moments 102

Replied to Lucinda_Hacker

nope, ain't works here

Mal let out a huff as he watched Annalise mop up the blood as if she'd done this a thousand times before. "I'm only like this cause you ain't really give me a choice."

Blessed by Night

Blessed by Night

Fantasy · AnathaShesha


thats dumb. in combat every advantage you have should be used. be it a spare fist or boot to the knee caps

Unfortunately, one of the restrictions of this lesson is to only use your weapons to attack so I wasn't able to move in to punch him in the face.

What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Fantasy · Draekai


yea sorry author

"A skill book for Electra," I respond, and Mia frowns. 

The Rise of Quetzalcoatl

The Rise of Quetzalcoatl

Fantasy · equuip


she better have recorded that power washing. some people get off to power washing

Everything looked great, so she climbed on out, pulled out her tools, then sealed it up and locked it.

Ravens of Eternity

Ravens of Eternity

Sci-fi · CeritusOrbis

Replied to CeritusOrbis

and miko's gonna take that junk and be like "we can easily make this into next gen stuff" probably gonna make a even better one

Instead of their quad-fission generator, they were faced with something the Drogar called an Ion/Proton Blackmass Containment Unit. Apparently, it was three generations old and was taking up valuable storage space.

Ravens of Eternity

Ravens of Eternity

Sci-fi · CeritusOrbis


damn shots fired at the boot camp that was only a month

It made her wonder why Savoth even paid her to train them. Wasn’t he simply wasting Coin by doing so? It’s not as though a few months of training would have ever turned them into a real fighting force. They were all just civilians playing soldiers.

Ravens of Eternity

Ravens of Eternity

Sci-fi · CeritusOrbis


i just thought about it but what happens with the people who made derp characters. do we just get attack on titan looking mf's

He roared into the air, then ran at her at full speed. When he got closer, he reared back his blade arm, and swung at her with powerful and precise strikes. And with unrelenting determination, he dug into her defenses with all his might.

Ravens of Eternity

Ravens of Eternity

Sci-fi · CeritusOrbis


miko just pulled out the uno reverse card

They reached out towards the closest ships - the frigates who had fired the torpedoes initially, and swept across them with ease. Within seconds, they were enveloped with streams of cold blue violent lightning.

Ravens of Eternity

Ravens of Eternity

Sci-fi · CeritusOrbis

Replied to zzzeph

or plot twist this turns into a cultivation novel and she has to start swating young masters like flies.

She wondered what had triggered the change so suddenly. Was it because she had a slightly better understanding of her own body? Perhaps that made it easier for her to interface with the core. Or was it because she had brushed up against Godeater in her dreams?

Ravens of Eternity

Ravens of Eternity

Sci-fi · CeritusOrbis

Replied to QuiteQuiet

better question where are they just gonna find blueprints? miko might be able to make a blue print but most likely not for anything world breaking like a mechs blueprint

Of course, it was only a dream right now; it was a seed. She didn’t know if their idea was viable, or if they’d all get humiliated by it all. But it was a start, and it gave them a little hope for their futures.

Ravens of Eternity

Ravens of Eternity

Sci-fi · CeritusOrbis


so did he steal her shit? thats the only that im worried about

He thought about all he had done and felt he didn’t really do anything wrong. Sure, he acted quite selfishly, but he didn’t think there was anything all that terrible about it.

Ravens of Eternity

Ravens of Eternity

Sci-fi · CeritusOrbis


better question is whats the point of this? they are training to be pilot's right? what are they gonna get sent suggestive pictures while flying and training to not be affected

Eva raised an eyebrow. What she said made a lot of sense. Why was she so hung up on it? Sergeant Elyn was right - it was just a body. We all had one, even if they were a bit different.

Ravens of Eternity

Ravens of Eternity

Sci-fi · CeritusOrbis

Replied to WinterTimeCrime



unexpected reinforcement for lisa

Looking up with tired eyes at the east side of town. The smoke was thick now and he could barely make out the far shoreline. Then Hugo glanced at the dam. “We might have to cross over to the other side of town on the dam and try hiding there. Though if we keep talking like this, we won’t make it to either place. Pick up the pace, I’m not dead yet!”

Black Market Merchant

Black Market Merchant

Sci-fi · KyleSullivanJr


how was the first time even remotely ok? the girl was sad over what she thought was a break up so she said "fair game" and took advantage of her? sounds totally ok

" Second! And this is for the both of you. And the reason why I slapped the two of you. First off, Greg, why the fuck are you whoring out your girlfriend? I do not care if it is with other girls! Don't go fucking doing stupid shit like that, or his majesty might just end up with one less son and gain a daughter instead. And Jen! I do not care how much you love this shithead. You need to not let him pimp you out like that!" Yuki huffed. She was mad! Sophia had come and complained to her asking if she could say something because they did not want to damage their friendship. The first time it was okay since she thought the two broke up, but the second time Jen wanted to take pictures! She knew something was up when that happened, but since Amber did not make a fuss, she just kept quiet. But she did not want it to happen again! It was only after worrying over it this entire time did she finally ask for help.

Soul Fusion Online

Soul Fusion Online

Games · invayne


bro tf

Beauty, who was watching the whole sudden turn of events, bit her fingernails in frustration. "Damnit! With things as they are now, there is no way we can do anything." After thinking for a moment, she decided it was best to return and reorganize. "We will retreat for now. When we get back, all those who did not listen to orders are to be kicked from the guild. The list is long for those who wish to join. But first, get some lawyers. I want to make a binding contract for those who join the guild. This way, we can take their real life assets and get back the money we spent on them if they are not willing to follow orders."

Soul Fusion Online

Soul Fusion Online

Games · invayne


if there was any type of game with this level of immersion it shouldn't be a cultivation world because those are always just terrible 100% of the time

It seemed his words also lit a fire of determination in everyone else, unlike the games that had you sit behind a computer to play where the emersion was about one percent. Here in Soul Fusion Online, where the world is just as real as the outside world, really allowed one to get sucked into the game. So wanting to stand at the peak of the world was something that everyone could stand behind.

Soul Fusion Online

Soul Fusion Online

Games · invayne

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