I'm sorry for the inconvenience with the update, there was a problem with the application and I didn't correct it in time.
"ANOTHER!" Aerys' shout startled me, heavy was the crown, and now Aerys would feel the weight in full. "Your Grace, is everything all right?" on the other side of the door, Ser Gerold made himself known, apparently Aerys' shout unsettled him, "Yes, I'm fine, go on about your business!"
TV · Marcia_05
Thanks my friend.
Yes, there will be, but their use will be different, that is, they will have another characteristic for which they will be used.
For those who have doubts, I had an update error, and I did not realize it, I published first chapter 136, instead of 135. 135 the previous one; under Cersei's perspective and 136, is the one under Aerys' perspective.
Hello, can you tell me where Varys is? There was supposed to be no mention of him in this chapter, another thing, I had an update error, and I didn't realize, I thumbed first chapter 136, instead of 135. 135 is this one, under Cersei's perspective and 136, is the one under Aerys' perspective.
He's aware of the MCU goings on, isn't he? Because he acts like he's aware of it, and at the same time no, it is confusing and absurd.
The idea of the project was to position at least over half a million command blocks around the entire perimeter of Xandar, energy barrier style, only unlike the photon, or electromagnetic energies with which a barrier could be made, this would be provided by the commands imposed on the blocks, which, relying on their own as yet unknown power, would be a better option.
Marvel: Summoning Xandar.
TV · Marcia_05