

LV 13

A place, a collection, a state of mind. The Biblioteka is a conglomerate of stories, carefully chosen and told by an old storyteller, who finds solace in sharing the stories it has been bound to know.

2021-04-17 Bergabung Brazil
Karya Asli
Lencana 8

Moments 83
10 months ago
Replied to Maximus1334

don't worry, that's already on the plans.

10 months ago
Replied to Maximus1334

it is resident evil, currently. The year is 1901, the turn of the century

10 months ago
Replied to The_Biblioteka

In addition, there's literally nothing that indicates she gained anything from this defect, it's just an excuse for her to be a big vampire noble mommy, basically, so the part of "not gaining any of the bad parts of the blood disease" means he should've gotten nothing at all.

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10 months ago

I know this doesn't matter, but her blood disease is not transmissable since it is a genetic defect that is common amongst inbred nobles, can't remember the exact name now, but if you want to make your character a vampire you're free to do so, just thought this was interesting to point out.

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10 months ago
Replied to Tidas

Oops. Yeah, I'll fix that.

11 months ago
Replied to Maximus1334

the core is locked, the fungus can still breath since it is still spread throughout the area

We entered the place of the rest of the original Lord, where the coffin of the man gave way to the stairs that led to the secret hallways of the ancient civilization, and we descended, I knew the way to the core from the memories of the dead, which saved me from wandering through these maze-like caves like a headless chicken. We reached the iron gate behind which was the core, I knew the keys utilized by the Lord wouldn't be easy to replicate since they'd made a system that needed four keys to be turned simultaneously, this meant I needed to brute force through.

The Ashen Fox

The Ashen Fox

Anime & Comics · The_Biblioteka

11 months ago
Replied to Hades2205

és resident evil pero antes de los acontecimentos del primero juego, tomará algun tiempo hasta llegarmos allá, tiempo empleado para poner as piezas en su lugar.

11 months ago
Replied to CruelReality

I appreciate that, especially since the author is essentially saying" having a better brain can turn you into a Laplace's demon", without taking into consideration the sheer amount of information you would need to have in order to accomplish such a feat. There's only so much you can simply say "comic logic" before it starts getting completely ridiculous, thus, boring, specially since the author is explaining things as if they were pure science, when they are really not.

Thus, he was currently constructing an equation to perfectly predict and counter Tombstone, but it was as hard as it sounded. Everything was either a constant or a variable, with independent or dependent variations. Moreover, he highly doubted whether it would be perfect, perhaps just highly accurate.

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ

11 months ago
Replied to Maximus1334

A conglomerate is not made of one single company

"It's decided, the name is Blackroot."

The Ashen Fox

The Ashen Fox

Anime & Comics · The_Biblioteka

11 months ago

I find it amusing that the other commenter is complaining about semicolons and what not, but is not actually pointing out the wrong part of this paragraph, which is that you wrote KBG instead of KGB; other than that, I've seen no agressions to the english language, but I'm not really that well-versed into grammar. What i really wanted to day was that reading your story has made me remember that semicolons and dashes are things that exist, and for that, I thank you, fellow author.

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