Yeah but the way author used it is kinda corny.
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TV · TheGreatPrince
Thanks man
Im sorry man
She wouldnt be a great teacher if her leasson about being a king is kings dont obey rules. Its the opposite.
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TV · TheGreatPrince
Otto was just an amazing politician and great advicer. If Viserys had listened to him. There wouldnt have been a needless war. That caused the downfall of Targaryen
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TV · TheGreatPrince
Bastard had no claim over dragons it was rehnerys who did that and that too out of pure desperation. And they betrayed her to fight for the greens.
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TV · TheGreatPrince
Its really not. It’s actually bad cause it takes away from how Jon was the only son who looked the most like Ned with his hair and dark grey eyes. Cat hated him because he looked more like Ned than any of the children she gave him.
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TV · TheGreatPrince
I like the chapter and the concept but it feels too self refrential. Which kinda makes me feel its almost bordering on a self parody. Which would have been fine, if it was aware of it. But Im open to it, lets see where it goes
Jihad means a war for the region
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TV · TheGreatPrince
Game Of Thrones: The God-Emperor of Planetos
TV · TheGreatPrince