i dont get you releasing one chapter a month then half that chapter is a copy of the first half u need to grt your shit together.
author plz do a mass chapter dump cause if your only doing one aday im done and im sure alot of people will be to. im interested in the book but not that interested.
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out of curiosity when will the rest of the book be dropped enjoyed thes few chapters interested in where it will go.
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plz dont leave us hanging for volume 2. there are ti many authors here that just stop writing there books when they say nsxt volume coming so frustrating.
we need a mass chapter dump. so tired of all these frwaking books only droppi g a few chp a week im already invested not like im not going to read it. I've been reading atleast two dozen books cause they all just stop and then weeks later a few chp just release it all already.
Author was reading the overview of the book and plz dont make it plus 18 harem type theres more ways for the book to go thanks.