

LV 4

7.8/10 Too much water. ¯\_(ˊ— ` )_/¯

2021-03-17 Bergabung European Union
Lencana 3

Moments 1625
1 days ago

on her* back

"My Lord," she spoke, now carrying the Troll Greatsword on his back. "Let me go. For the past few weeks, I have not done anything meaningful. I beseech you, let me prove myself worthy of your blessing."

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Video Games · Marine0IQ

2 days ago

Give him a halberd as his signature weapon and all 3 of my Power Stones are yours for all future chapters.


[Powerstone Begging (Passive) Level 0 -> 1: Could you please give me your Powerstones? I need to feed my drug add-ahem!-dogs.]

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Video Games · Marine0IQ

2 days ago
Replied to Just_Sayin

let's compromise, between the unwieldy colossal greataxe and the greatspear that he used until now, the BEST weapon to ever exist... HALBERD!


(EXP 1970/10,000 -> Gained 1 stat point and 1 skill point. Soulbound Weapons Unlocked)

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Video Games · Marine0IQ

2 days ago

Ok, I can get behind the <nuIIb><nuIIi> business if you're not spamming it everywhere (like some do whenever someone is thinking, madonna how I hate those fools), but I draw my line at unreasonable measuring systems, my good ser. BTW it's saying circa 5.5 meters, altough I read somewhere (can't find the dam sauce) that they're 8.4

It was a giant of a thing, even to Godrick. He barely reached its head when it was kneeling, and at full height, it must have been 18 feet tall. A Carian-forged helmet with an attached blood-red cape covered its head, and a large, gaping hole hollowing out most of its torso revealed a stone tablet entwined by eerie black roots.

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Video Games · Marine0IQ

8 days ago

I was just about to say that this story fell off hard 13 paragraph ago when Tai Lung was unable to understand that the magically green sky was obviously Kai's return, WHAT A FOOL I WAS FOR NOT CONCIEVING THE POSSIBILITY OF THE AUTHOR DOING SOMETHING SO FKKKG DEMENTED THAT IT MAKES ALL THE PREVIOUS SUGGESTIONS FROM MARLENE ANGEL (I'm pretty sure he's an advanced AI that was trying to imitate a human from a mental asylum) ACTUALLY NOW SEEM GOOD, LEGITIMATE, SANE AND ORGANICALLY FITTING INTO THE WORLD OF KUNG FU PANDA IN COMPARISON.

I looked at my hands. My giant paw and deadly claws thinned and then shifted into thin digits of five. Then the fur on my hand receded to reveal pale skin, the colour of ash.

More than a Dragon Warrior

More than a Dragon Warrior

Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn

8 days ago

Is it <nuIIb><nuIIi>REALLY <nuIIi>necessary go make it <nuIIi>1mm wider?

12 days ago
Replied to Mumflr_Fumperdink_9775

I too find that sleeping next to Chernobyl's Elephant Foot without a protective suit to be quite "inhospitable"


After that, Suzuki took off his protective suit and breathing mask, putting them in the corner of the room in a robotic manner. The outside world was far too hostile, and without these tools, it would be practically impossible.

Overlord: Advent of the New Gods

Overlord: Advent of the New Gods

Anime & Comics · DukeCheburek

12 days ago
Replied to The_Unai

what does webnovel not showing me bold text have to do with my skills bruh

[Frenzied Soul (Passive): Shabriri does not exist. He is Frenzy, and Frenzy is he. Can possess any who die with sufficient despair.]

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Video Games · Marine0IQ

12 days ago
Replied to Marine0IQ

idk bro, I've been in the trenches about this for months, seemingly the only one on this side of a war that no one ever even acknowledged the existence of until you just now, some fanfics are more <nuIIb> than words, its especially harrowing since <nuIIb> (meaning Bold) or <nuIIi> (meaning Italic) always show up at the beginning of a paragraph so reading those god awful system fics with walls of single row paragraphs all beginning with <nuIIb><nuIIi> (meaning something is both Bold and Italic) are a death sentence for my sanity, because apparently the [ ] are not indication enough that it's the system speaking or that ' ' is a character's thoughts in those stubborn authors's opinion. I'm not sure why it happens, it could be that it's because I'm on an old mobile so they fkcd me over like YouTube did when they made it so that my phone freezes up almost permanently whenever I try to leave a comment as a scheme so that I buy a new phone model, but it doesn't make sense since others surely are using old phones too yet I'm the only one afflicted by the <nuIIb><nuIIi> curse, it's worse than the Frenzied Flame fr

[Frenzied Soul (Passive): Shabriri does not exist. He is Frenzy, and Frenzy is he. Can possess any who die with sufficient despair.]

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Video Games · Marine0IQ

12 days ago

This is getting unreadable, please stop making the text Bold, all I see is <nuIIb> in front of it <nuIIb>again and <nuIIb>again!

[Frenzied Soul (Passive): Shabriri does not exist. He is Frenzy, and Frenzy is he. Can possess any who die with sufficient despair.]

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Video Games · Marine0IQ