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LV 1

Low on cyan.

2021-03-11 Bergabung Global

Lencana 2

Moments 10


They blame it on Asd because he is a werelion? Surely they/everyone knows about the full moon? Would they believe this?

The young miss is also being confined and punished severely, but her name would be out of the mouth or minds of anyone as the real culprit, instead the story circulating around Is that your presence, being the only Werelion around has caused the rest of the weres to go crazy and drove them into a frenzy. So in retrospect you are still being confined and would probably be sidelined from a lot of opportunities and activities in the academy, all you can do now is just study till you graduate and find your way out in the world as you have been blacklisted from servitude to any noble house, and would not be accepted by any mage organizations for further study and improvement of your magic.

Asd: A Werelion's Journey To Arcane Supremacy

Asd: A Werelion's Journey To Arcane Supremacy

Fantasy · Anone


mama? a typo?

Usually for all mages, what you need the most is Mana strength and connectivity or as others would say; Attunement. Your seven phase visualization meditation method would be born when you have mastered 7 zero circle spells and that's when your mama begins to increase. With attunement you can easily master new spells and even modify them better than anyone or . And this is because with a high connection to mana, you can easily rewrite the rules of nature by understanding just how it works intrinsically on a molecular level.

Asd: A Werelion's Journey To Arcane Supremacy

Asd: A Werelion's Journey To Arcane Supremacy

Fantasy · Anone

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