Annabanana22 - Profile



LV 13
2021-02-27 Bergabung Global

Lencana 4

Moments 257

Replied to Dusti_Martin

Maybe it is white gold or platinum? LOL

The strands fell to his neck, and her eyes traced the path his hair took, wandering down his strong neck and straying further down to the open collar of his shirt. Nestled against his chest was a silver necklace, disappearing into his shirt. Her initial hesitance gave way to curiosity, and her hand reached out to grasp the necklace.

Midnight Surrender

Midnight Surrender

Fantasy · JasmineJosef


Sounds like a 19 YO boy for sure. What possibly could the advisors know? LOL

One of them, a seasoned diplomat known for his prudent advice, broke the silence. "He is impulsive, Your Majesty. His grasp on the principles of rule is robust, but his application of that knowledge is lacking. He often disregards counsel, fully aware of potential consequences but choosing to act on his whim."

Touch of Flame

Touch of Flame

Fantasy · JasmineJosef

Replied to K_Deck

As I commented on a different paragraph, she has not been able to grieve properly because of the ruse and pretending Richard was Russell and now that she finally got to grieve she can’t turn it off. She also does not know how sick he was and that he actually passed out and was rescued by Corrina and did not “just leave”. However, all he has said so far is that he left to go find Corinna so as far as she is concerned he just left with no word and they thought he was killed. I would be P.O.ed too if I were her.

"And how will you manage that? He'll never know his real father and YOU…" Her voice escalated, her temper flaring. "You are NOT Russell!" she choked out. "You are NOT my husband. It was you who dragged him into this mess and now he is gone!" Tears were falling freely now. "And yet here you are, flaunting his appearance, parading around under his name… I can't stand it!"

Touch of Flame

Touch of Flame

Fantasy · JasmineJosef

Replied to K_Deck

I agree! She finally got to grieve the death of he husband and then he showed up again and now that she has started to grieve she can’t just turn it off to pretend he is her husband again. I can’t imagine how hard it is for her.

"You can't just make my husband disappear one day and expect me to welcome him back the next! Who do you think you are?!" Her voice was a whip, her fury palpable. "I can't keep up with your whims anymore."

Touch of Flame

Touch of Flame

Fantasy · JasmineJosef

Replied to MaeveSolace

This shows that she did know that Richard was pretending to be Russell.

Meredith's eyes blazed with pent-up fury as she glared at him. "No, Richard! She is not! She is your niece," she hissed with vehemence.

Touch of Flame

Touch of Flame

Fantasy · JasmineJosef

Replied to MaeveSolace

Just like Heaven did with her father in MTTDS.

Richard acknowledged the wisdom in his words. There was indeed a great deal of work ahead with Andrew. 

Touch of Flame

Touch of Flame

Fantasy · JasmineJosef


He is only 19 and married? And married to a twit at that! I thought he was older.

Speaking of Andrew, Darcy sought to understand her past relationship with him. Her father provided insight, explaining that she and Ravina were particularly protective of Andrew, who was but a child of thirteen when she disappeared. Now, he was a young man of nineteen and, according to her father, not so much malicious as simply lost.

Touch of Flame

Touch of Flame

Fantasy · JasmineJosef

Replied to MaeveSolace

Sometimes a parent can do everything “right” and the kid(s) still turn out bad.

It suddenly struck Ravina, all the times her father had been her uncle, she had no doubt because he had treated Andrew like a son. Well, he was in a way, his son. Her father and uncle, being twins, made her and Andrew half-siblings. 

Touch of Flame

Touch of Flame

Fantasy · JasmineJosef

Replied to K_Deck

I think they are bothered by the attention Tiberius is giving Helena. I think they are oblivious to the danger.

Katherine was only happy for a moment, that her daughters had found two noblemen, but then she looked very disturbed the whole time while they dined. Her father looked even worse, as if he was attending a funeral and not a wedding. 

Midnight Surrender

Midnight Surrender

Fantasy · JasmineJosef


And by family he means momma! Forget dad, he is worthless.

Rhain seemed to trace her line of sight.  "Perhaps we should sit. I'd like to introduce you to Daisy's family, Tiberius."

Midnight Surrender

Midnight Surrender

Fantasy · JasmineJosef


Imagine if Katherine had to pay for the wedding!

Their reception line was a bustling stream of familiar faces – close neighbors, friends of her father, and of course, Katherine's vast network of acquaintances. If not for the limitations imposed by the venue, Daisy suspected Katherine would have invited the entire town.

Midnight Surrender

Midnight Surrender

Fantasy · JasmineJosef

Replied to MaeveSolace

I do not remember that either.

Sylas met her eyes, and gave her a faint "you are welcome" smile reminding her of why her father kept a witch by his side. The courtiers were once again reminded of why almost every creature feared the powerful witches. Why many had tried to kill them before they could develop. 

Touch of Flame

Touch of Flame

Fantasy · JasmineJosef

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