No character development will happen to Strange if he doesn't go to Kamar-Taj unless Lorien sends him there or the Ancient One will interfere directly.
user friendly indeed
"Your meditation pattern surpasses [Blue Fairy's Breath]. It's user-friendly and safe! Perfect for freshmen to use."
Games · Tip_Ror
i guess his path will be remembrance considering the title archiver
bro went the ghostyz route, can't judge ya, as u can't make money writing fanfics in webnovel.
3rd pov kinda ruined it for me but i guess I've been reading too much 1st pov thriller, sci fi genres that causing me to be used at 1st pov
well well welll my guy, guess it doesn't include being among us-d.
"When you stabbed me through the throat, I gave up on counterattacking and poured all my focus on the reversed curse technique.
Anime & Comics · Cedric_7512
correction: 1. Pre- Cal2. not all , i mean Math lessons of the previous grades.
As for Pre-Calculus... I somehow got gud at it. Stockholm syndrome DOES work wonders.
Video Games · Unusual_
Pra-cal being much easier to understand than general mathematics:🥹🥹🥹even though gen math is just a recap of all the lessons of the previous grades, I didn't learn aynthing during the pandemic.
As for Pre-Calculus... I somehow got gud at it. Stockholm syndrome DOES work wonders.
Video Games · Unusual_
I wonder, does the mc have a protection/ability to hide from the attack titan's ability to see the future?
It's Z, what did you expect? Such a shame that he makes good quality fanfics but most of them are behind a paywall. As much as I want to read some of them on his patreon, I don't have extra money to pay for it.
Arcane:Reborn as Jinx Brother[Template System]
Anime & Comics · DarkDemonZ