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Hmm idk I love Andru_9788’s work, they inspire me, if I’m not reading his or a few other novels, I’m a novice writer. Andru-Sama keeps me inspired

2021-02-04 Bergabung United States

Lencana 8

Moments 18


Hey wanted to let you know the sentence starting with “The sensations were overwhelming -“ got a little confusing with so many commas! I think seperating it into 2-3 sentences would make it less confusing. You can use the places where you already have transition words (or other places - up to you) to be the start of your new sentences. What I mean is below: (“.Then, there was the way his cool breath…”) (“ .And finally, …”) In the end however, this is completely up to you :>

Damien did not want to be feeling the things he was currently feeling. He was clutching the dagger Cain had given him so hard that the muscles in his hand were starting to cramp. But even that discomfort wasn't enough to draw his mind away from the dizzying, nigh-overwhelming sensation of the steady press of Cain's tongue against his bare skin. He'd known, at least subconsciously, that contact with his mate was meant to be soothing. And as much as he would have liked to forget, his body still remembered the way it responded the first time he caught the vampire's scent. The sensations were overwhelming - first was the gentle hold the vampire had on his hands as he slowly dragged his tongue over Damien's wrist, then up his forearm, pausing at every cut, every scrape, then there was the way his cool breath fluttered over the wet trails he left on Damien's skin, soothing yet raising goosebumps in its intensity, and finally, there was the moment when Cain hovered over a particularly deep cut, one of the bites Crowe had left on the inner crook of Damien's arm, where the veins hovered nearer to the surface. His lips had closed around the mark completely, and he'd sucked. 

A Bond of Fate and Blood  (BL)

A Bond of Fate and Blood (BL)

LGBT+ · VHBlood

Replied to NetherPrime

Sorry for Replying late, but yes that is basically the easiest way to make ut work without having to change anything to extreme

Coming back to the present, he was in the cave which he calls his house. He was hungry he wasted to eat something, prepared himself to go for a hunt.

The Hunter That Returned From Hell

The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Urban · Rish_madara

Replied to NetherPrime

If u Put a comma before the he and then changed wasted to wanted it would work

Coming back to the present, he was in the cave which he calls his house. He was hungry he wasted to eat something, prepared himself to go for a hunt.

The Hunter That Returned From Hell

The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Urban · Rish_madara

Replied to MrsReese96

Maybe he got small hands??? Or maybe there just that big.

His hands began to roam on her body parts. He was caressing her soft legs underneath her skirt, then his hands traced upward as he touched her full breasts that didn't fit in his palm.

The CEO Who Hates Me

The CEO Who Hates Me

Urban · Eustoma_Reyna

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