podrias usar una parecida a la de leBron con la corona como una celebracion.
How do you feel about the progress of the story?
Celebrities · Virtuosso
wtf, que hacen estas 2 en españa?
The two boys approached, their charisma making them stand out even in the crowded square. Isagi, ever the gentleman, greeted them first, offering a warm smile. "Neneko-san, Koyuki-san, you both look incredible today."
Anime & Comics · WRizz1
diria q la respuesta obvia es hiori, pero ese ultimo comentario me hace dudar con karasu. 90% hiori, 10% karasu.
Also give out your guesses on who will be chosen. The only hint I will give is that it'll lead to some very interesting interactions later on.
Anime & Comics · Saint_Hubris
The three brothers, Ichiji, Niji, and Yuji.
Anime & Comics · 0StolenDream0
y la tecnica de tierra del clan zenin, esa podria funcionar como una defensiva
Even his only defensive techniques weren't all that reliable. The cursed energy plants were weak and couldn't withstand powerful attacks. As for Idle Transfiguration, its defensive capacity depended on souls, which still wouldn't be very effective against large-scale attacks.
Anime & Comics · TheJiujitsuGuy
la hermana de chigiri
——Someone Else
Anime & Comics · Asura_7uh
encontrarse con kurona tan pronto era algo que no esperaba pero me emociona ver si se ceñiran a solo al planet hotline o inventaran nuevas jugadas
karasu esta broke en este punto, esta haciendo valer su puesto de top 3 de blue lock 🔥🔥🔥
claro, pero y como sabia su nombre?
And he had just stumbled upon one in the most unexpected place.
Blue Lock: Phantom Striker
Anime & Comics · A_Normal_Guy_SKP19