LibrarianOfDragons - Profile



male LV 4

The most important step a man can take is the next one. -Dalinar Kholin

2021-01-17 Bergabung Global

Lencana 11

Moments 52

Replied to primodial


This guy was someone Leon was very familiar with—the sly youth from the Blood Serpent Clan, called Gunta.

Malevolent Warlock: Sin Of Eternity

Malevolent Warlock: Sin Of Eternity

Fantasy · primodial



This guy was someone Leon was very familiar with—the sly youth from the Blood Serpent Clan, called Gunta.

Malevolent Warlock: Sin Of Eternity

Malevolent Warlock: Sin Of Eternity

Fantasy · primodial

Replied to LibrarianOfDragons

Well he probably went psycho after hearing it, it is also stated that he had experienced the feeling of wanting to kill someone before and I suspect it’s connected

All good memories come to an end, and Lloyd could remember the precise date when that memory ended since it was the start of a new memory with a new family and a new group of people who cared about him much more than the last group did.

The Walker Of Voids

The Walker Of Voids

Urban · Animosity

Replied to Nicholas_Gagliardo

Hasn’t been mentioned yet, no. I suspect it was about a previous girlfriend or just girl friend that rejecte himd

All good memories come to an end, and Lloyd could remember the precise date when that memory ended since it was the start of a new memory with a new family and a new group of people who cared about him much more than the last group did.

The Walker Of Voids

The Walker Of Voids

Urban · Animosity


Oh no, any one that gets close to him is gonna die, I know it.

"Because I have you guys now... Ugh... I knew that sounded cheesy as it came out of my mouth." Felix stuck his tongue out in disgust while Lloyd simply chuckled beside him.

The Walker Of Voids

The Walker Of Voids

Urban · Animosity



"Praise the Lady!" Klein downed the last bit of his beverage.

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving


What about seeing through his shadow? I swear I remember him being able to do that.


Even while blind, he had Shadow Sense on his side. While it wasn't the same as being able to see Harus, by sensing the movements of his shadow, Sunny was able to predict his attacks with at least some level of precision.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


I keep forgetting that they really are just young kids, slightly prepared young kids but still children all the same.


So he suspected that behind her indifferent face and even voice, she must have been scared, too. She was just a young girl, after all.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


Just like his inner sea, with the shadows around the edges.

In the center of the hall, seven tall braziers were burning with strange, pale flames. On the edges of light, motionless, stood a dozen or so people.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


Something it do with his sister, I bet.


Sunny received it and smelled the strange liquor. He remembered many people in the outskirts who had drowned themselves in the bottle or killed themselves with cheap stimulants and drugs. Luckily, he was always too paranoid to allow anything to alter his mental state. Plus, for a long time, he couldn't allow himself to die before accomplishing a certain thing.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


Lloyd literally said it was cunning and smart. How can it be ”just a stupid animal” if Lloyd acknowledged it to be smart?


Without thinking twice, Lloyd covered his body in shadows and began to fight with precision and speed that rivaled the owls. Yet unlike the owl, Lloyd had quick thinking to his side while the owl was just a stupid animal who would run away at the first sign of danger.

The Walker Of Voids

The Walker Of Voids

Urban · Animosity


I called it!

"I had more visions than I told you guys about."

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


Wouldn’t it be way easier for Neph to take care of Cassie because she is way more powerful and after Sunny runs away he could use his shadow to look for them? Is this implying Sunny can’t run away without a distraction?

"If anything happens, your job is to bring Cassie away. We can retreat by using passages that are too narrow for the scavengers. If we get separated, proceed to the high point by yourselves. Don't wait for me. Do you understand?"

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


“I think…” nah you deffinately saw more. 🤨

"Then, I felt so much sorrow, pain and rage that what little remained of my sanity seemed to disappear. That was when I woke up… I think."

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


He keeps thinking, I’m excited.

'What is that voice exactly? It always sounds weird when it talks to me about my levels and mutations, however, it sounded drastically different during my evolution when it talked to me. It even had the appearance of a giant eye…' Ethoss thought. 

A Cold-Blooded POV

A Cold-Blooded POV

Fantasy · Month

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