Webnovel Author: GooseOfObesity - Fanfic Collection



male LV 13
2021-01-05 Bergabung United States

Lencana 12

Moments 1856

Replied to Jaygan


Even Hiroshi, who had seen many promising students over the years, was impressed. "Excellent work, Kaizen," he said, his voice filled with genuine praise. "Your skill and precision are extraordinary. You've set a new standard for this exercise."

The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction

The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction

Anime & Comics · FearTcb

Replied to CruelReality


Kaizen reached the girl first. She was mid-sign, her focus entirely on her jutsu. Kaizen struck her collarbone with a precise chop, breaking it with a sickening crack. She screamed in pain, clutching her shoulder. Kaizen followed up with a powerful kick to her knee, dislocating it and sending her crumpling to the ground in agony.

The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction

The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction

Anime & Comics · FearTcb

Replied to


Kaizen reached the girl first. She was mid-sign, her focus entirely on her jutsu. Kaizen struck her collarbone with a precise chop, breaking it with a sickening crack. She screamed in pain, clutching her shoulder. Kaizen followed up with a powerful kick to her knee, dislocating it and sending her crumpling to the ground in agony.

The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction

The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction

Anime & Comics · FearTcb

Replied to


Kaizen reached the girl first. She was mid-sign, her focus entirely on her jutsu. Kaizen struck her collarbone with a precise chop, breaking it with a sickening crack. She screamed in pain, clutching her shoulder. Kaizen followed up with a powerful kick to her knee, dislocating it and sending her crumpling to the ground in agony.

The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction

The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction

Anime & Comics · FearTcb

Replied to


Kaizen reached the girl first. She was mid-sign, her focus entirely on her jutsu. Kaizen struck her collarbone with a precise chop, breaking it with a sickening crack. She screamed in pain, clutching her shoulder. Kaizen followed up with a powerful kick to her knee, dislocating it and sending her crumpling to the ground in agony.

The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction

The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction

Anime & Comics · FearTcb

Replied to CruelReality

If you wanted realism, why tf are you reading a Naruto fanfic?

The wiry boy, still recovering from the blow to his solar plexus, struggled to his feet and joined the girl in a coordinated attack. They moved with a desperate energy, but Kaizen remained calm. He deflected their strikes with effortless grace, using techniques from krav maga to counter their aggression. A well-placed knee strike to the girl's midsection and a swift elbow to the wiry boy's jaw sent them both reeling.

The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction

The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction

Anime & Comics · FearTcb



A massive spear of black lightning descended and morphed into a colossal black dragon, comparable in size to Kaido's full form. The entire Wano could see the spectacle. Even Kaido felt fear as the lightning dragon roared.



Anime & Comics · Silent_stiele

Replied to GoldenIsles


Naturally, Peter could have obliterated their ship instead of docking it, but he chose not to for three reasons. First, he suspected there were many slaves aboard their flagship, much like Jabba's. Second, he anticipated finding valuable loot onboard.

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord

Replied to Guri_01_09


Peter noticed the slight panic behind her facade and realized her disguise was at risk of being uncovered. Quickly stepping in, he extended his arm, placing a friendly hand on her shoulder. "Actually, Master Yelana was just about to help me find something in the Archives," he interjected smoothly, his voice carrying enough confidence to pause the approaching Jedi. "Do you mind if she catches up with you later?"

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord

Replied to Master_Atlest


Peter couldn't help but scoff as he replied, mimicking his master, "Smug, you are, hmm?"

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord

Replied to Worn_out_by


In this moment of internal struggle, Peter recognized the power of music not just as a source of joy but as a stabilizing force. It became a tool to rein in the chaotic emotions threatening to overwhelm him, a realization that added a new layer to his appreciation for his mother's Walkman and cassette tapes.

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord

Replied to New_to_you

Consudering they were the original probably yes.

'I still have it…' He smiled as he held the cracked device closely, swearing to get it fixed as soon as possible so that he could hear his mother's mix tapes once again.

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord



Shino has on a pair of sandals with black knee socks, and everyone knows you don't go sandals and socks, this leads up to an offensively bright pair of yellow cargo shorts that stop just high enough to leave a small gap that still manages to be attractive in spite of the horrible outfit. Above that is her purple shirt displaying her love of gambling and a leather jacket that is a dull white with studs going down the sleeves, then to top everything off she has her feathered hat and heavy golden jewellery that really does make her look like a pimp.

(COMPLETE) A Murder Wizards Adventures

(COMPLETE) A Murder Wizards Adventures

Anime & Comics · Bored_MC

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