It was such a easy read and really flowed nicely. I did not realize when I had completed ten chapters. An interesting story, well etched characters, I could feel Shi's emotions in every chapter.
my thought too? chicken human :)))
Leon threw the bathroom door wide open and to his surprise saw the blonde girl sitting in the middle of the bathroom. She was indeed shedding white feathers. 'Is she a chicken-human mixed breed that I don't know about? Has science transcended beyond my human comprehension? But, she looks human and the only thing that makes me think otherwise is that she's over there surrounded by white feathers that flows from her back to the floor.'
Fantasy · GrotesqueIce
weapon ... broom .... rofl
Leon was awakened by a scream. Was it Lean? Is she in danger? "Don't panic, Leon." Leon calmed himself and grabbed whatever that might be used as a weapon. Unluckily, it was a broom. It was the closest thing he can take hold of. 'I hope it's not what I think it is.. It's broad daylight for heaven's sake.' Leon shook his head in frustration.
Fantasy · GrotesqueIce
so relatable...u don;t know who the person is...u feel sorry ...but again what if they turn out dangerous?
He can simply rule out that he panicked or was at loss of what to do, but under normal circumstances, he could simply just call an ambulance and let other people take care of it. There was no actual need for him to be involved yet he still did. Leon was known to be logical and level-headed but today it seemed like he also failed himself. Satisfied with the explanation that he was just tired and became momentarily stupid, he willed himself to stop thinking about it. He could mull over what happened for the rest of the night yet he knows nothing significant will change. It has always been a bad hobby of his to continually think about what ifs. 'It's no use to think about it anymore. Fact is: it already happened. I have to accept my actions and ready myself for the consequences,' Leon concluded as he readied himself to sleep.
Fantasy · GrotesqueIce
my thoughts too
"So, there's a list?" Leon smirked.
Fantasy · GrotesqueIce
Like him too...very relatable
River is tall guy, around 6'4, with red-blonde clean cut hair, wearing squared glasses and always seen wearing a soft expression on his face. He seems to have this cheerful and older brother type of disposition. Because of this, he was adored by many and has always seen in groups, both with juniors and seniors alike. He is well-liked and has been a go-to person for personal advice.
Fantasy · GrotesqueIce
It makes up a thousand times. This is the best critical appraisal I have read in a long-long time. For someone who does not enjoy reading ‘romances’, to dive into that ocean and then to find merit in it; to have the intellectual acumen to sift the craft from the characters; to be able to comprehend the writer’s mind and what she is weaving; yet be sensitive enough to flow with the narrative and feel the emotions – I know not what to say, should I praise the mind or the heart? And then to find punctuation/grammatical errors – are you sure you are not a professional critic or a professor? :) Well, you have found me out – my writing is ‘naturally’ poetic. It is when I try to curb it that it becomes erroneous because it cuts off the natural flow of words. I guess I must let the river take its natural course and trust the reader’s ability to flow with it. I owe the realization to you, so... Thanks. Having said that, I don’t really understand when someone says – ‘Romance is not for men’ I believe all of us live in two worlds – the physical and the one within us. If you write Sci fi, you are merely taking your readers outer space (into an imaginary setting) while we, Romance writers, take them scuba diving within their own hearts and psyche. What you call Mars, Venus and Sun, we name them courage, love and charisma. Nonetheless, many a thanks for your time and effort. It’s a pity you won’t dive in again, I would have loved to hear your views especially towards the end of the story. Thanks again!
It was a good read...loved the case and the revelation...
Buku ini telah dihapus.
Nice read; very detailed narrative, it surprised me at some places...
Thank you. Your appreciation is my reward...
the Winner takes it all...
Urban · Hope_Smith_1896