The story is actually quite dark, the MC is not very strong in either strength or intelligence, at least he has to work hard, especially the first dozen chapters. Although this is a dark fantasy, I will do my best not to deviate too much from the universal morals. You know, just like when you eat bread with jam, there is more than one flavor in every bite. I'm only joking a little, but yes, young people are MC.
Merinding bgt
Alger melihat Si Pandir yang sedang duduk di kursi kehormatan di ujung meja perunggu panjang kuno itu dengan ngeri. Dia hanya bisa melihat Si Pandir yang sedang bersandar di kursinya dalam keheningan, diselimuti oleh kabut tebal.
Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
Buset, mantap
Klein bersandar saat dia menyilangkan tangannya. Dia mengambil sikap santai dan menjawab dengan menggunakan bahasa para raksasa, Bahasa Jotun, "Aku bukan Dewa, aku hanya Si Pandir yang tertarik pada sejarah panjang dunia ini."
Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
Kelaz bgt MC
Ok thanks
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
The Republic
Hahah...I can't stand this one.. .haha
At least in this Chapter
The Servant of Darknesse : Truth of knowledge
Fantasy · GreedFoxNV