Stephen_Askins - Profile



LV 2
2020-12-25 Bergabung Global

Lencana 2

Moments 50

Replied to Fokai828

He has his hands full still living next door to Dennis "the Menace" Mitchell.

'He seems to be new here. He's so handsome and has a good figure. He's a sunny type. He's my type. I haven't had sex in a long time. Let's see if I can get him!'

I Can Hear Everyone's Inner Thoughts

I Can Hear Everyone's Inner Thoughts

Urban · Inner Thoughts


Credit Snatchers that I have had the misfortune to deal with are also excellent Blamers when something goes wrong, never their fault.

A true Credit Snatcher should be good at doing things and taking credit. He would never let others see that he was a Credit Snatcher, and he would not be very low-level to damage other people's interests to gain credit.

Level up, Slay Monsters, And Collect Equipment Everyday

Level up, Slay Monsters, And Collect Equipment Everyday

Urban · Late Comer


should be "couldn't care less."

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Wyatt needs to create a back door in the origin cards he creates so he can hack them later if that proves necessary.

I did not bother to answer Elliott and could not go out as he was blocking the exit. He is way stronger now and a realm higher than me, ' fu<k why does my creation come back to bite me in the ass?' 

Card Apprentice Daily Log

Card Apprentice Daily Log

Games · IGotStones


Pregnancy Preventer 9000? Is that a morning after pill? If you're going to create a villain, make him a complete villain who doesn't worry about his victims getting pregnant. The more babies the better.

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A Hulk-like transformation?

Now though, he needed to decide whether he'd take this potion at all. Yes, it would improve his strength, but at what risk?

My Pick Up Artist System

My Pick Up Artist System

Urban · SamsaraWithWords


ado adieu is French for adios.

Ben shuddered at the thought. However, if they accepted the song as tribute and everything went well, it would be a non-concern today. So, without further adieu, Ben touched the chest, and opened it.

My Pick Up Artist System

My Pick Up Artist System

Urban · SamsaraWithWords


cue not queue

As if on queue, Tina brought her own hand now, reaching Ben's groin, and clutching!

My Pick Up Artist System

My Pick Up Artist System

Urban · SamsaraWithWords


Uh oh! Run! She's a yandere!

Yet, continuing to stare downwards, Katie asked him something he didn't expect. "Baby...are you…seeing other girls?

My Pick Up Artist System

My Pick Up Artist System

Urban · SamsaraWithWords


Another wrist slasher? What about Charlotte? We still don't know her back story.

In fact, the one getting the most kissing opportunities wasn't Ben or Beluga, but Chuck! With his shota powers, the girls were grabbing at him, which after he used game to increase attraction, turned into trying to lick his face. Their aggressiveness was even uncomfortable to watch. It made Ben almost feel bad for the guy. At one point, a girl even ripped the sleeve of his shirt, displaying something that made his face turn pale: scars on his wrist.

My Pick Up Artist System

My Pick Up Artist System

Urban · SamsaraWithWords


I once read about a student requesting application materials from an ivy league school. They sent her an application for foreign students as well as information about applying for a student visa. She was from New Mexico.

Camila wanted to study at a good school in New York, and although she was very intelligent, she was even lazier. So her transcript wasn't stellar. However, she knew that universities often failed to verify many details of their applicants because it would take too long. So, as long as she didn't go too far, she believed she could get away with lying about lots of things on her application such as her extracurriculars, especially since she attended a high school abroad where the administration spoke a different language.

My Pick Up Artist System

My Pick Up Artist System

Urban · SamsaraWithWords

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