Yes 59 and 69 are the same !!
She needs to avoid him and not say anything or insist to help him. They are all ungrateful .
I think all her encounters that she thought was Anthony was actually Bradon. They switched up like Diana and Dahlia did since they looked so much alike. I think the prince knows Bradon cares for her and is gonna use her to get Bradon to do something for himself.
Cane knows Iris is the one thing that is true to him. They both have had similar tramatic experiences. They both have accepted who each other is, their flaws compliment each other .
Hey we gonna get a refund for paying for duplicate chapters ?
It’s gonn be interesting what Cane does when finds out Kellon abused Iris.
I think the Lycan will protect and love Iris. I wish it would find another body to invade so they can be Happy. Cane will never love anyone , his fate is already determined.
I think Daniel is gonna use his cunning skills for good use for once and make amends
I’ disappointed in Adele that she didn’tt follow the idea Marcel had. Also Eric needs to rethink his decision, Marcel will demand Adele to come back or else turn over Elijah . As for Daniel, he’s a lost cause. I think Samson needs to take care of him.
That was stupid . She would not just give the necklace away . It was a gift
The Alpha king Obsession
Fantasy · Grace_Kylie_6044